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Thou pitful fools

Guest BL0W J0B M1LKY

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Guest BL0W J0B M1LKY

Cordial Greetings


You pitful players of Planetarion --> you couldnt beat a newbie with a fleet of warships. My own alliance, the DRA, the Fo0T, the RHGC and some other ppl (about 200 in total) are going to kick your candy-ass. I am leading assutls against your planets, and have amny other allies in your suppsoed alliance, who i have a 'moles'. i aint going to reveal who they are (as that would be pointless), and i know all your locations, ship movements and other such info. Sceltor, you will be the 1st of many to feel my wrath, and many others will follow. You have one choice for 'Peace', but im not revealing that, as i want your roids. If you are peaceful and give up your roids, then your ships will be spared. otherwise, create another account. Oh and by the way, remember the magic word in my galaxy




so dont get any ideas you fools


Cordial Death


The Duke :-)



You will feel my wrath of my fleets.

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Guest AceAzzameen

Funny stuff... I think you missed the RolePlaying board. biggrin.gif Cuz on this board, you pretty much make yourself look like a fool. wink.gif

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Originally posted by some ****ing moron:


You pitful players of Planetarion --> you couldnt beat a newbie with a fleet of warships.


I have before acutally, and you arent suppose to you jackass, its called NEWBIE BASHING, jacknutt


i know all your locations, ship movements and other such info.

um........yeah i dont tell anyone my ship movements.....

so have fun wasting news scans


You have one choice for 'Peace', but im not revealing that


good one, that helps, get back on TEH SHORT BUS!


If you are peaceful and give up your roids, then your ships will be spared. otherwise, create another account.


ummmm.......how about NO


Oh and by the way, remember the magic word in my galaxy




so dont get any ideas you fools



yeah, too late, I already have a few ideas, some involve ways to remove your head from teh orifice it seems to be stuck in.....


and another magic word: FURY


so your point was what?


you make up for your ****ty lame ass like in the UK by beating people at a online game that you have been playing for over twice as long as they have?


good job, so you play UT ever?


[This message has been edited by Zargon (edited March 06, 2001).]

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Guest Rogue 9

MODS, if you could start posting the IP Addresses this crap comes from we would appretiate, and I could have some fun at some british guys expense for a little while



Leader of 3 Flight

IAN_CDT_Rogue9, RA_Rogue9


[This message has been edited by Rogue 9 (edited March 06, 2001).]

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Guest Rogue 9


Come on let us have some fun

If we're lucky he'll have a Modem



Leader of 3 Flight

IAN_CDT_Rogue9, RA_Rogue9

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Originally posted by Admiral:

I love how one day he says I'm sorry....then goes and threatens us.


Oh my god!!! this duke guy is suffering from double personality! he's a madman I tell you. Only one solution: kill.



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After thinking about this I felt another post is in order to show how pissed I am at Duke.


One his name is one of the most offensive things I have seen, also it shows how imature this little ass is. Then his dumb threats, you want roids come and get them, I don't care about them.


Also you just gave us the most usefull information in the world ie your not part of Legion.


Your moles well they don't ****. Even if they are there which I doubt beacuse why would you announce it unless you are a complete idiot, you could do some much more damage by not letting any one know about them. Your attack against DS, well that only tells us that you already knew his coords because you attacked already. Any military Stragetigst could tell you, don't reveal hidden information sources.


So in conclusion you have shown yourself to be a complete idiot, which by the way is probably to kind for the likes of you. Also your name shows that you are immature child who is seeking attention. Also it seems your parents need to be taught how to raise you correctly. I predict that you will some day end up in jail, or say the wrong thing to someone and end up dead.




"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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Dukish: a person of such low nature and morals that he/she doesn't rank as a human being; one how is dumb enough to run in front of a moving bus; one who doe not know that they are hated; one who threatens their country by beign born and having 20 people want to hurt him; one who ranks lower then viruses on the scale of life; one who is an ass.


this really sums him up. Although that 20 people is probably larger.



"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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right now it is, but that doesn't mean he can't or won't change it.


bring it on, son. i'll ban your whole ****ing island if i have to.

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Guest Rogue 9

pitiful human creature with a big inferiority complex and a lot of spare time...and a computer that freezes when his current IP gets posted.

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<font size="7">SCREW YOU DUKE</font>


In case you didn't check you account yet, I've VAPED most of your "fleet". You blow, bad. If you were ANY good at this game, you would have COMPLETELY destroyed my the FIRST TIME YOU ATTACKED ME instead of trying THREE TIMES AND NOT SUCCEEDING ANY OF THEM. I LAUGH at your pitiful attempts. And as far as I'm concerned, BRING IT ON, because there is no way in HELL that I will bow down to your ****-covered ass. I AM NOT afraid of you and your gay planet which hides behing a LEGION banner galaxy. You SUCK. You are GAY. And I'm not so much angered as I am amused at you. THREE times you attack me. THREE times you fail. And as far as your supposed strikes on the rest of the alliance, I'm sure they share my feelings towards you. You can smash our planets and steal our 'roids, but we will never stop being a thorn in your side. We will not go quietly or without a fight. And by the way, ONE DAY WE WILL HAVE REVENGE.


BTW, I'm not going to close this topic, as I enjoy all this Duke-bashing.

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