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I need some training

Guest Jabba The Hunt

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

yeah on saturday im getting my new computer and 3 weeks later ive challenged milky to a battle to see who is batter and i thought some training would be nice from an ace as im a bit worried that he is going to humiate me so is anybody willing to train me up a bit!!!?



If I Was any more laid back i would be horizontal


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Guest Jabba The Hunt

what im worried about is that milkshake "says" he can shoot a tie down from 0.5 k and i have to be about 0.25 and that gives me a few problems when going head on!!


I also think u can train people over the net u just have to teach them meanurves etc...



oh an milkshake i have challenged u to a game of xwa look at the top of this post!



If I Was any more laid back i would be horizontal


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Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt:

I also think u can train people over the net u just have to teach them meanurves etc...


Ok, I'll try:

first step before the battle to see who is batter is the development of quicker hips and the relationship of hip speed to the entire swing. So what you do is place a bat behind the waist, horizontal to the ground, and use a glove as home plate. While holding the ends of the bat in the hands, assume a normal batting stance and watch an imaginary pitch being delivered. Execute a stride and quick turn using the bat to help turn the hips faster. Finish in the proper contact point position. biggrin.gif


Next I'll teach you how to bring your hands first when hitting, improving bat speed and power.


I'm glad to help wink.gif

<font size=1>



[This message has been edited by Jem (edited March 05, 2001).]

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Note: I am unversed in XWA, but this is how I learned in XvT. If the game is set up similar, you can apply the same idea...


I learned by going to the training menu and going into the 'custom dogfight' scenario. I started with plain TIEs, then worked my way up until I was taking on all the different ships (including the capitol ships) at once. You get blown up a lot at first, but after about a month or so you should be jiggy enough to kick butt on the combat scenerios.


My only specific piece of starfighter advice: think of your shields as another big capacitor for your laser cannon, and keep them topped off when you're fighting. It makes quite a difference... biggrin.gif


Other than that, don't crash into things (unless their shields are reading weaker than yours.)



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Guest Redwing

What's "AI"? (I'm probably the only one here who doesn't know frown.gif )



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Guest Zoom Rabbit

It's okay. I'm sure playing against Milky would be exactly like playing against the computer...



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Guest Redwing

Originally posted by Rogue 9:

Artificial Intelligence A.K.A. Your computer


Oh. smile.gif



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

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Guest AceAzzameen

Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt:

...i thought some training would be nice from an ace...


Well I guess I could train you. biggrin.gif


Seriously though, I haven't played XWA or any of the XW series for a good 6 months now. I could still probably lay waste to most of the guys in here though. Just ask some of the other RAL guys who was always punching their ticket. tongue.gif



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