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Cheese and monty python!

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Wally the space dolphin says that the Washington Post is a public-opinion generation front operated by short, smelly immigrant mafiosos from some country that conveniently doesn't even show up in our atlases...so it probably doesn't give a rip about cheese or singing snakes, or any of that sort of nonsense.



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I never herd of Monty Python doing a cheese song.. but there was the Cheese SCETCH...


There is a song called the "Cheese Roll Call" that is song by Pinky, from Pinky and the brain


(Rosencrantz loves this song

<font size=1><font color="yellow">

Sung to Semper Fidelis by John Philip Sousa.



Pinky: A world of cheeses

Deliciously made for you and me

Flavors like Provolone and Brie

Each with its own ethnicity.

So many cheeses

Are available all around the world for you to eat

Especially good with crackers and meat

A nice yummy treat.


Thousands of cheeses

The texture of some can be real gooey

Others are quite firm and chewy

Some are better when mildewy.

Bountiful cheeses

When you take a big whiff a few

Will make you want to spew

Especially strong is the cheese Remoudou

A real stinkeroo.


It's incredible just how many kinds there are

From countries near and far

It's really quite bizarre.

Now from the mouths of cheeses big and small

We proudly present to you

The cheese roll call.


*Wensleydale: I am the British cheese Wensleydale, lightly

* pressed and smooth textured with a subtle

* milky flavor which is clean and refreshing.


*Pinky: Welcome, Wensleydale!


*Cheddam: G'day! I am Australian Cheddam, an

* innocuous, golden yellow, rindless block

* inspired by Cheddar and Edam!


*Pinky: Welcome, Cheddam!


Edelpilzkäse: I am the German cheese Edelpilzkäse, a fine,

blue-veined cheese with a pale ivory paste

and very dark veins traveling vertically

through me.


Pinky: Welcome, Edelpil... Edel... oh, willkommen!


+Brie: I am the French cheese Brie, a soft,

+ unpressed, naturally drained cow's milk with

+ white rind flora, molded into large flat disks

+ and ripened for three to four weeks.


Pinky: Thank you, cheeses! I want to eat you all!


Pinky: Oh, how I like my cheeses

Cheese from around the world

Cheese is the taste that pleases

Cheese from around the world (sing with me, cheeses!)


+some: Oh, how I like my cheeses

Cheese from around the world (everybody!)

+all : Cheese is the taste that pleases

Cheese from around the world


Around this great big world

Around this big cheese world

Around this great big world

Around this big -- cheese -- world!


Pinky: Mmm... yummy! Narf!

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