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I need help (Spoiler Warnings)


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Door Password Needed I made the text white so some people wont have to be spoiled when reading this thread.


Hello everyone, I just recently had my main character captured and found out Keria is not who she seems, all this has taken place while I was in this hideout on Narr Shaddaa. Anyway to the point. My Main guy is captured and I'm the little droid now, who needs to get past the access term. theres a series of rotations clock-wise and counterclock-wise, I need to know the correct way to unlock the door. so if you could help I'd appreciate it thanks.

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Thats the one with T3 right?

Its actually not that hard. If you just stop and look at it, you can do it in your head. Unless you dont unserstand how it works.


Here you go.

1. Turn center counterclockwise.

2. Turn left counterclockwise.

3. Turn right clockwise.

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