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PC speech mod?

Nancy Allen``

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I'm not sure if this would ever be possible, but is there some way through a mod or otherwise to have your character actually talk during conversations, as opposed to just selecting text answers?


While it should technically be possible, it would be an insane amount of work.You would need to do thousands of lines of voiceover (X2, one for male and one for female protagonist) make make lipsync files for them.


You'd need to edit almost every single DLG file in the game (there are about 1100 of them in K2:TSL) to add two extra Entries (Male/Female) after every Reply that makes the player character speak the line that was just selected.


So while it's possible to do, I doubt anyone would undertake such a massive task in their spare time. But I might be wrong... :)


I think it's the reason why Bioware/Obsidian chose not to make the protagonist speak their lines (beyond the thing that not everyone would identify with the specified voice, and it would be unrealistic to have several voice sets to choose from with such a quantity of required voice clips). The Protagonist speaks more than anyone else. It would probably have required the game to ship on a couple more CDs...

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Those are all good points. The protagonist does speak however, when you select him\her and perform certain actions. Considering the amount of work for such a mod, and how much space would be required for all the .wav files for your character (a CD wouldn't be an unreasonable guess) it's probably little wonder it was left out. I do hope that they keep whoever did the voices in mind for when and if the character makes an appearence in future games.

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I'm not sure if this would ever be possible, but is there some way through a mod or otherwise to have your character actually talk during conversations, as opposed to just selecting text answers?


I have to agree with Stoffe. That would be a huge project. It would require way too much work. More than anybody would want to do.

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