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Bryant's & Grey_Ghost's Mod V2.6G


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I've never had a problem like yours, but it definately involves your Laptop it seems. I hope you don't have the same problem with the full game.


I've looked into the problem further and it seems something has gone funky with my laptop itself. The problem has now spread into the unmodded demo but as before it only effects the ground portion of the game. The game has been working perfectly up until this problem appeared after I installed version 2.5 of this mod. So either it was the mod that caused the initial problem that has no spread or something I installed on the same day as the mod has caused the problem. It's really stupid how one moment a computer can be working perfect and then the next something goes wrong for no reason at all.

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How can I make multiple refineries on planets? I could in the demo, but with this mod I can only make one. Is there anyway to reset that?
Open Specialstructures.xml, find the 2 entries for mining change the max instances per planet from 1 to -1.


i cant play as imperial or full galactic map. i only can choose 1 map (half the galaxy), as rebbels, i think its full tech. i reinstalled the demo, installed the mod exactly like on the picture!
Are you copying the contents of the "??? Universe Empire ??? Tech" folder to the XML folder? If not, you should be as the instructions in the readme tell you.


So either it was the mod that caused the initial problem that has no spread or something I installed on the same day as the mod has caused the problem.
It is highly unlikely my Mod has anything to do with your problem, and certainly isn't spreading anything to anywhere.
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I finished my longest game today that spans the last 3 days. Probably 15+ hours at least. The single biggest feature I am awaiting with the full version is auto-resolve. There were way too many battles that I had won from the start but had to slog through anyway.

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Hey Grey Ghost, thanks for the mod. Been playing the same game for the last five days. I have noticed a few strange things. One, I couldn't target the rebel transports in space. I've had 5 ISD on them and I can't get a lock on them. I used the move to attack command for a good half hour until they were finally destroyed. Same thing with one of the sheild things that look like a radar dish during the land battles. Also the rebels never retreated in space, and I could not call for renforcements in space. Wish that dang save command worked, my comp slowed way down the last few days of play. I had an exception on Korriban and the game closed down. I was so close to conquering the galaxy! I'm not trying to complain though cause I have enjoyed your mod. Just giving my two cents.


Thanks, Steve

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Hi Grey Ghost, great work and thank you!


Personally, I'm not having any problems with the latest version. I can run the game for five days without any errors and then play another without restarting. It slows down occasionally, but I don't think that's the mod. Well, there was one time that I attacked a planet that had a HUGE fleet of transports. There had to be over 150 rebel transports. My machine bogged down so badly that it took hours to kill them all. I think the frame-rate dropped to 1 per second or worse until after I killed a large portion of them. It only happened once and now I know to scout before I attack. If my machine was newer it wouldn't have been so bad. I'm only sharing that as a warning/helpful tip to others.


Once again, great work on your mod. You've provided many people with many hours of entertainment. Nine days till release day!!!!!

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I belive you can unlock 'Abandoned Mining Facility' for building(It was in SirNukes Mod) as a alternative.

Also, try unlocking the other campains and adding it into your mod(I know this is possible because SirNukes is and you did it before when you did that smal universe release), thx.

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Slow Downs: I get them as well now and then, and I'm fairly certain it's the demo itself. I'm hoping the release doesn't have the same problems.


Shuttle Showdowns:I play pretty agressively and haven't had much interaction with Massive Land unit Space Fleets. Also, those fleets with maybe 12 or more shuttles flying around have never been a problem for me, but that just might be the ships I am using. If it really bothers you, download this file HERE and Nerf to your hearts content.


Is it possible to research your way to tech 5, or research was never really enabled in the demo?


If you play the Tech 1 version of the Mod, you can research all the way up to tech 5. The important stuff requires research, the only exceptions that come to mind would be the 2 different Shield Generators.


I belive you can unlock 'Abandoned Mining Facility' for building(It was in SirNukes Mod) as a alternative.

Also, try unlocking the other campains and adding it into your mod(I know this is possible because SirNukes is and you did it before when you did that smal universe release), thx.

As an alternative to what? I didn't unlock another campaign, merely altered it. If someone has implemented the other scenarios thats cool. Personally, I'm wating to play those in the Release version of the game. Something tells me I'll enjoy them more not being limited to 2 maps. 8P.gif
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Shuttle Showdowns:I play pretty agressively and haven't had much interaction with Massive Land unit Space Fleets. Also, those fleets with maybe 12 or more shuttles flying around have never been a problem for me, but that just might be the ships I am using.


Yep, you're unquestionably right. The super-huge shuttle fleet only happened once, and I'm sure my tactics allowed it to happen. I think I forced the rebels to consolidate defenses from several planets because I was advancing with large fleets from both sides.


Twelve ships, no problem. I should have taken a screen shot. Litterally one third of the space map was filled wall-to-wall with transports. There were so many that they actually managed to take out an Imperial Star Destroyer and a couple of cruisers before it was over. Usually, the transports just run to the corners, but the AI must have known that it had a chance to do some damage because it actually ATTACKED with transports. That says something good about the quality of the AI, in my opinion. It formed rings of transports three layers deep around each of my capitol ships and filled in the gaps with reinforcements when I wiped out a chunck.


Another thought: I thought it was funny when some of the buildings didn't have skins. The game filled in with some image that said 'Petroglyph', so as my walkers approached to destroy the building it looked like I was invading Petroglyph studios. HeHeHe ("Release the game early, or I'll invade!")

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I cant shoot the Venators with hypervelocity gun, either. Its the same in all the mods, they shoot above the venators.

When i played in an older version, the rebels invaded me with around 3 MC ,1 ven , 2 Assualt frigate MKII + some fighters & bombers . I had only a lv 1 space station and 2 tartans. My bombers from the station managed to disable most of the ships engines before my station and fighters+bombers are elimated. Then I ran m tatan all around the map and shoot the ships with the hypervelociy gun. The only ship i couldn't destroy was the single venator....

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I DO I research then? I tried to build the research centers but where do I go from there?


What version did you install? If you installed a full tech version, logically you can't research because all research has already been done. If you installed a tech 1 version, the research should appear as the first build button.

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