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Personal Transport X-wing/Tie


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Hi All... First time poster. I just recently got back into this game, and noticed on the startup text (about the updates) that there was something about Personal Transports. With these ships (X-wing or Tie Fighter) you can go from any starport/shuttleport on the planet. Is there any way for someone with all the expasions to get this, instead of buying the starter pack? This thing would make my gaming experience much more enjoyable, but I don't want to fork out the cash for the starter kit just to get this. Can someone fill me in?



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That's what I've been hearing. I have all the expansions, and it sucks that long-time users can't get this much needed feature. Acording to my account, I've been with Galaxies for 15 months. I've been playing off and on now for a few months. The one true thing I found annoying, was the travel times on the planet. The Barc Speeder I have can only go so fast. With this personal transport, it could definately cut down on travelling times. Please Lucasarts, release this awesome feature for all vets!!


Thanks for replying... maybe we can get some petition up or something...

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I have heard alot of folks talking about using the "clone express".....but, it doesn't take that long to find the nearest shuttleport...and most shuttle flights are under 300 cr.....I guess it is just a matter of patience.....my first time through tatooine, I did not even know about the shuttles, and really enjoyed riding through the landscape...not to mention the cool things i could loot along the way.....not too bad, with the exception of those bunkers that render out of nowhere and trap you occasionally!

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I agree with Vedauwoo!


When I first played SWG, I did not know about shuttleports at all. I remember I got a quest where I had to go to Mos Espa, from Mos Eisley. It was fun to ride across the harsh desert. It just seemed so HUGE to me back then :) It was fantastic. In fact, I think shuttleports should be removed, and there should be some fast player controlled vehicles instead.

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I guess my reason for saying that it's not as enjoyable... since my character is a low-level Jedi, I get killed easily by just travelling across the desert. I just need to level up more. What is this "Clone Express"?

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If you have the Jump to Lightspeed expansion, you should be all set.


If not you're screwed. :)


No, I have the JTL expansion. SOE has given everyone JTL free. You have to buy the start up kit to get the personal Shuttle.

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I guess my reason for saying that it's not as enjoyable... since my character is a low-level Jedi, I get killed easily by just travelling across the desert. I just need to level up more. What is this "Clone Express"?


Clone express has been around for a while. It was started at village. It was a 6k ride from village back to the starport. alot faster if you just died and cloned at the starport. Just had to make sure your insurance was payed up.

Now, if you want to travel, Die, you can clone at any loaction you have payed to store your data. You can die on one planet and clone on another. It is the fastest and cheapest way to travel.

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