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a thought about petro releasing the demo "as is"


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i'm thinking that petro released this demo with "limited capacity" with a wink and a grin to the gaming community, knowing full well just exactly that it could be modded to include all planets/ships. i don't think that a 750mb download would have just included the limited amount that we saw in the original demo, i believe they wanted the community to mod the demo. your thoughts?

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Anyways, It's not up to Petro to make the demo I think (lucasarts does). And I don't think lucasarts full knew what they were releasing so... yes.



no, petro made the demo/game. lucasarts is just the publisher and licensing.

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Yes, they did a very mod-able game (just check any page focused on this game, and some months before the release of this game, there were around 10 different mods preparing for this game. So they had to choose: only hardcore Star Wars fans, or Star Wars, Star Trek, Halo, Starship Troopers, and sci-fi fans in general), so they knew its demo would be too. That's why they cut save/load options, and space retreat.


We only have to wait some weeks, and let modders make their work. Don't like Rebel vs Empire cassical war?? then get the mod for Clone wars, Sith wars, New Jedi Order wars, Halo wars, Star Trek wars, Starship Trooper wars, StarGate wars, any sci-fi war will be there.


I personally will download the Halo and New Jedi Order mods.

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When you think about the amount of time and money invested in creating a modern game, it doesn't make sense that they would make careless decisions about the content of the demo. I'd bet that every aspect of the demo was carefully planned. When you're dealing with huge investments, and the 'Star Wars' license, you can bet your back side that the people making decisions were making well-informed decisions based on years of experience and carefull marketing strategies. Even the things they say in these forums are designed to increase sales. They only get one chance to release a game. It's a make-or break kind of thing, and the demo is too important to take lightly. ...it's probably absurd to think that Lucas didn't know what was going on, but that's just a guess.

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From a software development perspective...


If you have a working piece of software (the full game), and you want to derive a limited-feature piece of software from this "main" one (ie: the demo), then you can't just go in and rip everything out. Reason being: in a complex program MANY systems are interdependant, which means that it is very very easy to break something if you go in ripping things out right and left.


Now, since the maps are not entwined so much with the game as the core engine is(which has all the game mechanics that are now being unlocked), removing them was easy (which is why we don't see a bunch of maps in the demo- they CAN be easily rooted out).


This is also why the AI is in, even though it was disabled. If you rip out something as complex as the AI, odds are that you're going to create bugs. Save/load by contrast are easier to do without- they're filewriter functions that few other mechanics rely on (at least this is the case for most software).


Don't get me wrong, I think it's GREAT that the "real" demo was made from the "official" demo by modders. I'm just saying that it's happenstance of 1) keeping the code viable and 2) starting with a game that is so moddable anyway :)

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What he ment was, yes, Petro makes the game, but nothing is added, or removed, unless approved by LucasArts.


Petro may be the maker of the game, but final word is still held by LucasArts.

If you remmber to a chat thing awhile back they said that Petro makes the game but Lucasarts does have a department that makes the demo.

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i sware it would have to be plandin some way 0.o or ther just not being very smart.....


they just happen to leave all the planet slots in and a bunch of units but not lave the maps in

logicly to me if i thought to take out maps from the previes demos by the press that id also take out the extra units


the press demos had like 10 maps 0.o

just all seems fishi to me too >.<


and i swaee iv seen other games change the file types just so that the demo would be unmodeble then they changed them back for normal game

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