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Lightsaber crafting details?


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Well, I am making good progress....Thanks to the Varactyl hunt on Kashyyk, I have made it all the way to lvl 41....and I have some questions about lightsaber crafting.


What is the difference on my saber by using a "Select" Krayt Pearl as opposed to a "good" one....i.e.: How does it work/mod damage?


What is the effect of various color crystals? Do they simply change the color of the saber or do they adjust damage as well? Can I only buy these from others or can I find them myself someplace?


If I craft a new saber every level I advance, will it's damage increase along with me?


Sorry for the list of questions, but there is nothing out there for guides to this game....lots of stuff based on the old version of the game, but almost nothing for the NGE.

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As far as I know, the better rating the Krayt pearl the better the damage. I think, although not sure, that the color crystals do just that now - change the color of the blade. Used to different hilts would produce a different style blade (thicker, thinner, etc.) although I don't know if that is the case now for I haven't played my Elder Jedi in awhile.


You can only craft the lightsaber that is your (or around) your level however, so I don't think it really matters if you advance another level and create another level 3 lightsaber.... the damage would be about the same. Level 4 lightsabers I know can hold 4 pearls...maybe it's 5, it's been awhile, but you get the idea - the more pearls the more damage. The better the pearl rating the better the damage. I've seen some perfect Krayt pearls going for some mad money as well.

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-the pearls come in various grades. Select and poor being just two of them. the ones you want to focus on getting are Flawless, Premium, and Select. once you have them you will ahve to "tune" them. once tuned a pearl cannot be used by anyone else other than yourself. the damage additions vary depending on the pearl type. each grade has its max and you can find them on the SOE website in the Jedi section of stickies. a premium of 18/19 (and I could be off on this) seems to be the more attainable atm for non elders.


-crystals, at one time, used to mean something, but now they only color your blade and offer X amount of elemental damage...mostly 10. Hilts still determine the length and thickness of the blade and someone on the official site has set up a thread with demonstrations. its best to check there.

getting crystals, now, seems to be the challenge. there is a quest you can take as you progress that will get you a training saber and color crystal. outside of buying one off the market the chances of finding one is akin of getting Black Sun Ace helmet. i only know of one place first hand and that is off of Xos on mustafar. Ive heard trinity assassins and maybe a few others. however, buying one is going to be the most standard option atm.

just like pearls, once tuned, that crystal belongs to you.


-crafting a saber is much like crafting anything...depending on the invisible role on assembly and experiementation. Ive heard conflicting reports on LS crafting suits and bonus as well as eating chef foods, etc help...you can give it a shot and see.

damage for the sabers, though, may or may not increase with each level because its based not on your level, so to speak, but on your assembly and experimentation. at parts of your wheel you get assembly bonus' that will enable you to gain more experimentation points (i think its the assembly...im on cold meds atm and my memory is a bit foggy). what those do is give you an additional experimentation point for every ten points. at this point, ive only been able to get my saber at 97% experimentation and a max of 474 (one time a 475) in crafting. that seems to be the most common level set regardless of where you are at. Im a lvl 90, btw. elder status in crafting means nothing when crafting a saber so dont let anyone fool ya on that.


i would suggest heading over to SWGCraft.com and looking at some of the stickies they ahve in the Jedi section BEFORE heading to the main site. why? because themain site is still rather silly and several people just like to be punks.



I also wanted to add...outside of buying Pearls on the Bazaar or thru a vendor the only place in the galaxy you can aquire them is looting the corpse of a Krayt Dragon on Tatooine.....

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Thanks for the info guys...i had located the guides at SWGCraft and one other site. So, different colors are different elements....My Lt green has an acid damage of 5...so I guess I will pick up a couple of others and see how they change things....what is with the "condition" values? Does anything even decay? Nothing I own seems to...does that come into effect at a higher level? The Garages are the same way, they seem to have no function for me and my speeders never get damaged, although I see lots of damaged ones about.


Someone said that Dantooine was the place for color crystals....apparently all those lvl 82 cavemen drop various types as loot occasionally....but it will be a while before i can challenge them.


The Pearl market is ridiculous.....they need to implement some sort of market pricing norms....I will find one for 2.5 mil or 5 mil at one vendor...then the same quality pearl at another for 250K or 625K......there is just no rhyme of reason to it, other than personal greed.

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Apologies, I had forgotten about colors doing certain types of damage (heat, cold etc.) it's been awhile since I've played my Jedi.


Decay is currently not active, not sure if or when that is going to change... I say enjoy it while you can, I know I am.

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