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Ever almost been shot?

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

im a christain - no dont ask what dinomination i am because im a christain (all people with a IQ above 6 should be able to work that out) anyway when someone asked me why they would want to believe in heaven i thought of this - if i die and im right then i got to heaven - if i die and im wrong i wont really care that much because I will be dead and wont be around to care - i someone that doesnt believe in God dies and they are right same thing they dont really care but if they are wrong they go to hell - and what do you lose out of having a religion i find it helps me a lot - the isnt my whole opinion i really do believe there is a God and this is just and example of how i try and explain it to other people



"How Long have I got"

"1 hour 57 mins"

"Ill phone you back in 2 hours!"


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Guest Jabba The Hunt

im a christain - no dont ask what dinomination i am because im a christain (all people with a IQ above 6 should be able to work that out) anyway when someone asked me why they would want to believe in heaven i thought of this - if i die and im right then i got to heaven - if i die and im wrong i wont really care that much because I will be dead and wont be around to care - i someone that doesnt believe in God dies and they are right same thing they dont really care but if they are wrong they go to hell - and what do you lose out of having a religion i find it helps me a lot - the isnt my whole opinion i really do believe there is a God and this is just and example of how i try and explain it to other people



"How Long have I got"

"1 hour 57 mins"

"Ill phone you back in 2 hours!"


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Keyan how many times have I told you not to buy drugs from PB !!! you'll always get in trouble if you do, that guy has bad relations in his druglord affairs...

<font size=1>


[This message has been edited by Jem (edited March 23, 2001).]

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Keyan how many times have I told you not to buy drugs from PB !!! you'll always get in trouble if you do, that guy has bad relations in his druglord affairs...

<font size=1>


[This message has been edited by Jem (edited March 23, 2001).]

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I havn't almost been shot, but i have felt i was near death once.


This was before i became religious (Christian... just Christian) It was on the collage Campus in Madison. A group of "Gang" Type people (Numbering over 6) blocked me on the Sidewalk, and then decided to "rough" me up. Long story short, i was able to defend myself from a few, but then I ended up on in a Fetal ball on the groud with about 3-4 kicking me. At that point, I felt i was going to die. And i started a small wimper, just wanting to do more then i have in my life. I didn't want to die, but I was trying to accept it.


Now that I am Religious, I know of God's plan. And freely accept anything that happens to me as Gods will. For what better thing could i possible have, then an Eternal Life in Heavan. My Sinful body does not want to die, but My spirit is ready.


Just be glad taht a majority of people in this world dont have to face Death in the face to often. But If it does happen, God wants you to be test your faith, and prove to yourself that you are ready. After that, many things can be possible.


here is a quote:

Heros, are jsut cowards that are too afraid to run


God Bless

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I havn't almost been shot, but i have felt i was near death once.


This was before i became religious (Christian... just Christian) It was on the collage Campus in Madison. A group of "Gang" Type people (Numbering over 6) blocked me on the Sidewalk, and then decided to "rough" me up. Long story short, i was able to defend myself from a few, but then I ended up on in a Fetal ball on the groud with about 3-4 kicking me. At that point, I felt i was going to die. And i started a small wimper, just wanting to do more then i have in my life. I didn't want to die, but I was trying to accept it.


Now that I am Religious, I know of God's plan. And freely accept anything that happens to me as Gods will. For what better thing could i possible have, then an Eternal Life in Heavan. My Sinful body does not want to die, but My spirit is ready.


Just be glad taht a majority of people in this world dont have to face Death in the face to often. But If it does happen, God wants you to be test your faith, and prove to yourself that you are ready. After that, many things can be possible.


here is a quote:

Heros, are jsut cowards that are too afraid to run


God Bless

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Guest Rogue 9

I've nearly killed myself climbing a Rocks a few times, but somehow god keeps up with me and manages to divert all my falls into better LZ's, I've missed bashing my head on granite rocks by mere inches more times than I can count. and I won't start on my BMX accidents. smile.gif

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Guest Rogue 9

I've nearly killed myself climbing a Rocks a few times, but somehow god keeps up with me and manages to divert all my falls into better LZ's, I've missed bashing my head on granite rocks by mere inches more times than I can count. and I won't start on my BMX accidents. smile.gif

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Thankfully I've never been in a situation like that. Maybe if I had, I would be religious in some way. I've just never liked the idea of an 'all powerful' being, controlling destiny, or anything like that. I like to believe that I make my own desicions and choose my own life, not have it chosen for me.

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Thankfully I've never been in a situation like that. Maybe if I had, I would be religious in some way. I've just never liked the idea of an 'all powerful' being, controlling destiny, or anything like that. I like to believe that I make my own desicions and choose my own life, not have it chosen for me.

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Guest Rogue 9

god doesn't control us, he has given us free will, but that doesn't mean he ignores our problems and he still helps us even if its out own stupid fault, I don't wish to have a flame war here so if someone wants to queitly discuss this I have no problem biggrin.gif

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Guest Rogue 9

god doesn't control us, he has given us free will, but that doesn't mean he ignores our problems and he still helps us even if its out own stupid fault, I don't wish to have a flame war here so if someone wants to queitly discuss this I have no problem biggrin.gif

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