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Need help on Nar Shaddaa - Jekk'Jekk Tarr tunnels


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I'm at the part where Mira has freed me and I'm back to playing as myself, I've cleared every possible room in the entire area and haven't found a way out. I went back through the ventilation tunnels only to find the door back to the Jekk'Jekk Tarr cantina has been sealed, and I found a computer that would unlock it but I only have 3 computer spikes and need 5. How do I get out of there?

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If I understand you correctly, then

1) Mira or Hanharr have already fought and one or the other (Mira if you're LS, Hanharr if DS] has let you into Visquis' stronghold after you passed through the tunnels with mines.

2) You have cleared out the stronghold's rooms of all Ubese warriors.


If this is the case then all you should need to do is have your PC enter the arena where Hanharr and Mira fought. Once your PC enters here then your PC will face Visquis and the game will proceed from there.


Alternatively, Achilles always like to point out that gamebanshee.com has a pretty good walk-thru for TSL...

Link to GameBanshee TSL Walk-thru - Jekk Jekk Tarr Tunnels


P.S. Welcome to LucasForums, innerfears! :waive1:

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