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KOTOR 3 Storyline


Favortive KOTOR 3 Storyline Idea  

32 members have voted

  1. 1. Favortive KOTOR 3 Storyline Idea

    • Story set with New Character who meets up with Revan and the Exile to fight the true sith
    • Story set before the Mandolorian Wars that goes through it.
    • Story set apart from both KOTOR 1 and 2 and has nothing to do with both

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Then you didn't speak with her about her past. I suggest visit Korriban at least as second planet, speak and side with her an then visit Dantooine again...


I stand corrected. But, could you tell me what happens on Dantooine after that? I tried this in a save where I visited Korriban last, so Dantooine is destroyed. I've never visited Korriban first, or second, always last.

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I stand corrected. But, could you tell me what happens on Dantooine after that? I tried this in a save where I visited Korriban last, so Dantooine is destroyed. I've never visited Korriban first, or second, always last.


Nothing to exciting, but a longer chat with her, how she met her old Jedi Master and found peace with herself at last... I like her, because she takes a critical look at herself but doesn't give the impression as if she would fall apart any second, like Carth or Juhani.


I don't really count on seeing her again in Kotor3, because there was the choice to kill her or not and since she was no main character... But since the "official" Revan is lightsided and frequently enough characters appear again who are believed to be dead, it wouldn't be completely out of question to make her the PC's master. I'd like that. Gives some quest-potential for the young and wild teenager-padawan on (IIRC) sleyheron...

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I can't believe you wrote that. Why wouldn't you like to know how their story ended?


The idea you like is good, but for KoTOR 4 (of which I speak all too prematurely).

Because Revan's and Exile's storys are about the PC, and any story that is created will not involve what the PC believes how it should end.


When I played as Revan and Exile, I was playing to develop my own story. My choice in lighsaber, clothes, alignment, and such was a self preference. The whole idea of 'Player Characters' is to make your own story based upon the limitations of the world you play in. When someone else rewrites the story you make, the fun is taken out of the game. Otherwords, I would not have control over Revan's and Exile's fate.


I hope that made scense.

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It made some sense, but I still don't agree with the ''new PC for the third part'' idea.


Revan and Exile are 'Player Characters' that are becoming 'Non-Player Characters'. When you play as Revan and Exile, you got to choose their path, alignment, lightsabers, crystals, equipment, and how they interact with the world.


When Revan and Exile are turned into 'Non-Player Characters', they wil cease to be your customly created 'Player Character'. Otherwords, you will have no control over their fates.


Any story that the games companies come up with will be definitive. Your personal verson of Revan and Exile will cease to exist. Someone else will write the ending to both characters, and you will not have any say.


If they created a whole new story and PC, they will not disapoint players. Players could create their own version of both of their fates.

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True, but that's why I'm saying: make a good excuse for bringing back Revan and give us control of his/her fate.

The best way to appraoch a Revan and Exile PC game would be to start the game as Exile. As the Exile searches for clues to the whereabouts of Revan, he/she will pick up other companions for the quest. After you find Revan (Free him/her from a trap, etc...), they will both head torwards their final destiney. This will create an infinate number of possibilities.


As long as we have control over Revan and Exile, then I can see a KotOR 3 based upon both characters. If you are not Revan or the Exile, I would prefer a new story and PC, while leaving Revan's and Exile's fate undetermined.

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I have been praying for KOTOR:The Mandalorian Wars. To be able to actually witness Revan and Malak (and exile) leave the Jedi to go fight on the outer rim and you follow them would be an awesome experience indeed. Lucasarts would of course have to map large battlefield with over 100 enemies and allies. But look at the possibilities! An expansion to be able to fight as a Mandalorian! A Basilisk War Droid flying mini-game! The list is endless!

Not to mention that after the wars we would be able to see Revan and Malak's fall.

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I see my bloodthirsty friend (just kidding :D). Still we already know that Revan and Malak fall. Do we really need to see it?

You got that right! :twogun:

I guess seeing them fall would not be the "twist" people are looking for but it would provide the hardcore KOTOR players some nostalgiaesque gameplay moments in which they can see their heroes in action. Can you honestly tell me you have never imagined how awesome it would look to see Revan fighting off the Mandalorian hordes like a madman? Well, maybe thats just me then. :D

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I guess it is you The_Mandalore. I'm not that bloodthirsty. I may study military history and studied war but that doesn't make me exactly anxious to see a battle. I guess I still have the more human side and not a Mandalorian :D

It probably wouldn't be bad to see it in falshes. In TSL I kind of wanted to see flashes of the Mandalorian wars when the Exile touched down on Duxn. It kind of goes with LOTOR and Revan's memory flashes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This may sound lame but I'd like my character to start off as a young padawan learning the ways of the Force at the Jedi Temple on Corsucant. Along the way you could can converse with fellow students. I'd like the story to progressed like it did in "Fable". You start off as a kid, maybe do a few missions around the temple to get to know your surroundings and eventually there will be a time shift were your character will become a teen, then maybe you can start a romance plot (that's a must!) with one of the students or something. Do some more missions, time skip, adult Jedi. As for the underlying plot to the story you got me there. Whether KOTOR3 is anything like this or not I still think that this would make a great game.

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