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Lost ICQ & other stuff...

Guest AceAzzameen

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Guest AceAzzameen

What a sh***y week I've had. I tried installing Win2k last Wed/Thur and it ran ok for a few days. But a lot of games weren't working, and then I was getting crashes on games that were working. So I decide it's time to switch back to WinME. And I had no real trouble until I install ICQ, which is the program I use the most. And of course, for some reason Win2k had changed my DB files so they weren't compatible with ME anymore. mad.gif I've lost my list, and a good year of history or more. Anyways, just expressing my frustration at MS for making such stupid OS's and for ICQ for screwing up even though I did everything I'm supposed to do for a backup of my contact list.


Oh, and those of you who have me on their list, please drop me a message? I can't even find a list of people's numbers or e-mail addresses.



"With the blast shield down, I can't even see. How am I supposed to fight?"


Rogue Leader 3


or manofstele@yahoo.com

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Oh the joys of upgrading an OS. When I went to ME from 98se it crashed HARD during installation! I tried to get 98 back again with no luck. I spent 7 hours on the phone with MS tech support one day until they gave up and called it a hopeless cause. I was without my system for most of a week, existing in a DOS and Safe Mode hell until I managed to get 98 working well enough again to be sure that I had backed up everything onto CDs, and then I flushed the drive and reinstalled EVERYTHING! Fun fun. Things are stable now, but you can be sure I'm gonna wait until XP is out a good long time, has proven itself, and the major bugs are worked out before I would EVER attempt that again. My advice: If things are working good for you right now, for sanity's sake LEAVE IT ALONE!!!! wink.gif



"That's the last time I trust the strangest people on Earth!" - Homer


[This message has been edited by edlib (edited April 05, 2001).]

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Guest AceAzzameen

I gotcha, Rabbit.


I feel your pain edlib. I always do a frest format before installing an OS. That is a much more problem-free solution. Luckily on the network, I can backup files on a friend's computer & then bring them all back in relatively no time. The only thing I lost was ICQ. But of course the kicker is, that's the one thing that's irreplaceable, all of the message history and stuff. frown.gif



"With the blast shield down, I can't even see. How am I supposed to fight?"


Rogue Leader 3


or manofstele@yahoo.com

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Yeah, I know better now, and I'll be FAR more careful in the future. The thing I forgot to backup? : All my XWA, RS, and XVT pilots. Had to fly EVERY mission again from the start! OWCH! wink.gif Oh well...



"That's the last time I trust the strangest people on Earth!" - Homer

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

ME rocks it great aslong as you get it later - where as 2K having NT componets built in is really only for networks althought they tried to sell it as a full operating system even for the home user!!!



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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Well that's what XP will be: A home user version of 2000. Kind of a hybrid of ME and the NT/ 2K kernel. Stable, but fun to use. I'm looking forward to it. No DOS anymore though. A lot of games go "Bye-Bye!" unfortunately. I'm not gonna mourn DOS's demise otherwise.



"That's the last time I trust the strangest people on Earth!" - Homer

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Guest AceAzzameen

Conor, dammit, are you a beta tester? wink.gif


Sorry, Edlib. I learned that a looong time ago. The one thing that made me mad years ago was when I copied my XvT pilot, but didn't know they kept a separate pilot in the BoP directory just for those BoP mission! mad.gif


Oh my goodness... I can't believe I'm saying this but... I agree with Jabba. eek.gif It's not just MS, it's other people touting Win2k's horn, telling me how all my games would still work if I just got DirectX, yadda yadda. Liars, all of them! mad.gif


And yes, Ike. When I just put the DB folder in like normal, I got an ICQ crash, and it wouldn't save my user. Each time I started I had to put in my # again, and then it would crash as ICQ started. When I did DB Convert, the DB program crashed, and then ICQ later crashed, although it did save my contact list. But everytime I ran ICQ, it crashed, so that didn't work out so well.



"With the blast shield down, I can't even see. How am I supposed to fight?"


Rogue Leader 3


or manofstele@yahoo.com


[This message has been edited by AceAzzameen (edited April 05, 2001).]

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Guest Conor

Sorry, I'm afraid I *cough* came into it rather less legitimately.


My system was basically dying (3 year old corrupt win98 that took like 7 minutes to load) and I needed to overhaul my PC. A friend of mine offered...I get kick ass fast stable neato OS. I have only had it for two days, but let's just say I am not in the least disappointed. biggrin.gif


The best bonus was that my cable connection got literally 10 times as fast. smile.gif

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

XvT files, yes...


When my computer crashed, I went from officer first class all the way back down to trainee overnight!


Usually, there's alcohol involved in a demotion like that! biggrin.gif

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Guest Rogue 9

I don't get it until June, hows it run?


Originally posted by Conor:

As far as I am concerned, XP rocks.


I should know. Heh heh <font size="1">heh heh...</font>



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"The best bonus was that my cable connection got literally 10 times as fast. smile.gif"


I noticed a HUGE increase in cable modem speed once I got ME to work! 98 just wasn't designed with high-speed internet in mind. I hope XP is even faster than ME is! biggrin.gif




"That's the last time I trust the strangest people on Earth!" - Homer




[This message has been edited by edlib (edited April 05, 2001).]

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Guest Rogue 9

I think I'll just go dig up the Beta of XP and start running it, I should have it in a week or so if anyone wants to ask about it then

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Originally posted by Rogue 9:

and Windows ME sux



No worse than 95 or 98 did when they first hit. It's a LOT more stable on my system that the 98se that came installed. At least 3 months without a single BSOD or system stopping crash! The restore feature's pretty handy too for when things do get weird. I seem to be the minority, but I like it better than 98. I'll still upgrade to XP when it comes around though...



"That's the last time I trust the strangest people on Earth!" - Homer

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Guest Conor

So far I have had very few problems.


A couple of my games don't work, but there are bound to be incompatibilities.


Otherwise, everything runs really efficiently.

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