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Continiue created player from trial?


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I've played the trial for a few days now, and decided to buy the real version of the game. I've ordered it on the internet and would get it in 1 to 2 days from now. My question is, would I be able to continue playing with the current character I'm playing with in the trail? Or do I have to create a total new character?


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You should be able to continue with the same character. They keep characters in this game for a long time, they say the minimum is 3 months and then it 'could' be deleted if SOE ever decided to do that, but I have yet to even see that happen.


As long as you don't delete the toon yourself you are fine.

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the deletion thingee is if you stop paying your monthly fees.


there has been no mass old sub deletions that Ive heard of nor any announced...though they should do a housing purge of old accounts...would clean up a lot of areas.


Had a buddy play for a while then leave...came back about seven months later adn he cant figure out if he deleted his toon or they did, but his old house is still right where he left it and i had heard that deleted toons lose all housing at reset...but i could be wrong. however, ive never heard of an active player with an up to date sub having their toon deleted without them actually deleting themselves.

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