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Things We Don't Want in K3


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First of all, concerning the ongoing question of how the PC aquires the Ebon Hawk, and how will the PC of K3 aquire the Ebon Hawk, please look here for the long version of my take on the answer .


Now, on to what I don't want to see:

1. a new ship.


2. an entirely new crew. Leave us HK and T3, at least.


3. the same, exact game mechanics. "you have to face overwhelming odds in a battle upon which the fate of the galaxy hinges. You have TEN companions to aid you, which TWO will you choose? :nut:


4.scenerios where the only real solution is the old standby "kill 'em all and let the force sort 'em out!"


5. Dumb murder mysteries which consist largely of waiting for transition screens. (area A: ask question. Answer leads to area B, where you pick up an item that leads you back to area A. Repeat over and over until you want to pitch the game disc out the window of a fast moving tie fighter)


6. incomplete or incompletable side quests.


7. tiny areas


8. closed game universe. NWN has shown you can create a decent single player game and still leave openings for unlimited play. Let's see that in KOTOR!


9. More pointless swoop racing.


10. Amnesia victims


11. Idiot jedi masters who first teach you fighting techniques and answer all your questions, then later forget everything and attack you as though YOU were the problem. Obviously the force isn't proof against alzheimers.


12. Cripplingly limited response paths for LS/DS gain. There are more paths to the light or dark than the intillectual hippie or psychotic.


13. The requirement for petty theft, pilferage, and looting the dead to finance my mission.

13a. Rank and file NPCs completely ignoring said pilferage without comment.


14. static party choices.


15. early cap on NPC conversation. (like Atton, f'rinstance. Yak yak yak until he's a jedi and then nothing! Give me longer dialog paths!


16. The same areas of the same planets all over again. I refuse to believe that there isn't anything on Korriban beyond that stupid valley!


17. Fractured plots, contradictory dialog, single path solutions, or the requirement to take an NPC who completely opposes your goals and provides no other benefit <COUGH!>G0-T0<COUGH!>


18. the need to politely put up with the crap some sanctimoneous goober in a ratty robe thinks he's good enough to shovel at you simply in order to avoid dark side points. Yes, Vrook, I'm talking to YOU! You weasel! :evil5:


just for starters......

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NO F*CKING REVAN/EXILE PC!!!! Come on it does not make a bit of sense. You have to start off weak. That is one of main rules of rpg's. Also, that noone knows what Revan/Exile looked like, so it would make no sense to make him look completely different. Not talking bout that everyone knows, that devs are not THAT stupid to make Revan/Exile pc. If another people will say he wants a Revan/Exile pc and will not have a logic explanation, how is that possible i will consider this person to be a complete noob. plus. IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN even if you want it. second would be too good graphics, i mean, darn i cannot afford new comp.

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In the cut content, most of your party members in TSL died, except (if you're male) Visas or Handmaiden (depending on who you had most influence with) and Gotos remote.


Visas or Handmaiden stays at Malachor V to train the "others" who will come. The Exile goes to the unknown regions with the remote. Nobody else comes with him.

Bastila is also somewhere searching for Revan.

That means no more party members from Kotor 2, and no more of the planets from 1&2.

When kotor 3 starts, you should be in the unknown regions.


But this could be quiet hard to make for whoever's making the game.


First of all, before you start the game, you should be able to choose if you wanna be the Exile or Revan. They will meet each other not too far into the game. You should also be able to choose what kind of voice revan and the Exile should have (and what kind of accent). The PC (Revan or The Exile) doesn't have to have a voice, but the NPC( Revan or The Exile) must have a voice, since he will be talking to your PC.

You must also choose what kind of ending you had in the first 2 games, and what kind of sex the two PCs were.


I don't want K3 in any other way.

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First of all, before you start the game, you should be able to choose if you wanna be the Exile or Revan. They will meet each other not too far into the game. You should also be able to choose what kind of voice revan and the Exile should have (and what kind of accent). The PC (Revan or The Exile) doesn't have to have a voice, but the NPC( Revan or The Exile) must have a voice, since he will be talking to your PC.

You must also choose what kind of ending you had in the first 2 games, and what kind of sex the two PCs were.


I don't want K3 in any other way.


No offense. But God do I hope that game doesn't happen. Waaay too restricting and alienating for the player. What if the player hasn't played the first 2? New PC all the way and I don't even mind if revan, exile, or even the true sith aren't mentioned at all honestly.

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In the cut content, most of your party members in TSL died, except (if you're male) Visas or Handmaiden (depending on who you had most influence with) and Gotos remote.


Visas or Handmaiden stays at Malachor V to train the "others" who will come. The Exile goes to the unknown regions with the remote. Nobody else comes with him.

Bastila is also somewhere searching for Revan.

That means no more party members from Kotor 2, and no more of the planets from 1&2.


So you're demanding that Kotor 3 be based upon Kotor 2 content that didn't even make it into the game? :eyepop


That's like demanding every American citizen who doesn't own a rifle and ammunition be arrested because the original plan for the Bill of Rights was going to mimic a Magna Carta style militia.

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-NO NEW GAME ENGINE most importantly.

-Majority of the game should not be played in the unknown regions, just the end-game. Keep it in the SW galaxy.

-No extremely long 1st planets before jedihood/lightsabers. i.e. Taris.

-No more characters wanting death.

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