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Question: Crusher doors not closing on player?


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I'm editing a SP map's entities for MP, and want the doors to close on players who stand in the doorway (to prevent lamers from blocking passages). I have added the 4 spawnflag bits for CRUSHER, set the dmg to 30, and even specified the wait (though the default should work).


The problem is that I can still stand in the doorway and the door does not even try to close, let alone cause damage, until I move out of the away. Am I missing something?


Here is what one of the entities looks like:


"classname" "func_door"
"angle" "-1"
"speed" "850"
"soundset" "impdoor1"
"model" "*31"
"spawnflags" "4"
"dmg" "30"
"wait" "3"

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it is possible that the doorway is outside the trigger zone for the door, and it will only close when you pass through this (when you move away). You could try makeing the crusher in the doorplace (so it blocks it) then add the spawnkey start open, that way when people go through the door it will close

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