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me mad, me want some rebel scum >: )

Guest icevic

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Guest icevic

is there a reason why in most the Star Wars movie, the Imperial forces not only lose, but humilated by those whimpy rebel scums. When the rebels destroyed the original death star, I was angry that the writers decided to put a "total Ka-Boom vent" on that fortress, and I was even more mad after the do-gooders destroyed the SECOND death star... that is simply not acceptable. Me want revenge! Too bad there won't be a sixth installment of the series... I want to see them rebels get crushed to goo!!!




(icevic heads to the simulator to blast the rebels and then watches some Empire Strikes Back)

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Guest icevic

Originally posted by Darth Sceltor:

Um, the Rebels won because they are the good guys. George Lucas likes good guys. See a connection? And there already is a sixth installment. Called Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. Dork.


doh, forgot to count the third episode... but anyway, because the good path we now have to stick with people with bad fashion sense... no more nifty looking storm troopers and planet busting action... [sigh] Darth Vader is always on fashion, long long ago in that galaxy far far away...

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Executor and six Imperial Star Destoyers, with supporting fire from the Death Star, destroyed numerous Rebel ships before they themselves were overrun by the numerically superior Rebels. With the Imperial ships wiped out, the Death Star was boarded by Rebel Commandos. The Emperor and Vader attempted to make a stand in the throne room and when it became obvious they could not win the battle, they detonated the Death Star.

Luke Skywalker was NOT aboard the station at the time. He had participated in the Rebel starfighter attack.

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Guest Rogue 9

Actually if I remember my Imperial History right, the emperor died at endor while pleading with the rebellion not to use its planetary ore extractor for evil purposes...did I mention I work for Rebel Intell as a deep cover mole.

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

u need to read the books to find out what happens after endor oh and if you r going to read the books u will have to read them all because they all have cross linked story lines oh and yeah they are all really good books any way!!!



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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Guest Redwing

Die vic die, come on fellow Rebs, let's vape this Imperial scum biggrin.gif



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest garyah99

Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt:

u need to read the books to find out what happens after endor oh and if you r going to read the books u will have to read them all because they all have cross linked story lines oh and yeah they are all really good books any way!!!



They may be good stories, but they are not authorized by George Lucas, no nothing that occurs in the books can be taken as literal Star Wars canon.



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And like the BOOKS are loaded with false lies. biggrin.gif


Shortly after the Rebel "victory" at Endor (they destroyed our glorious Emperor and Lord Vader, but failed to gain control of the Imperial Ore Extractor), they believed they could now possible set themselves up for a strike at Coruscant. Grand Admiral Thrawn valiantly defended the world, after being recalled by Emperor Pro Tem Sate Pestage, and gave the Rebel terrorists their worst military defeat ever, at the lost of a mere five Carrack cruisers and 289 TIEs of various class. Alas, the pathetic Rebel fleet was not so lucky. Only 5 capital ships of their assaulting 81 survived and only a mere 37 fighters survived the encounter. Admiral Ackbar, General Solo, and Luke Skywalker himself were slain in the engagement. Grand Admiral Thrawn publicly announced the conquest of the Unknown Regions, which solidified him as next in line as Emperor. A riot by the people of Coruscant ended the life of Pestage and installed Emperor Thrawn the First as the new Emperor.

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Originally posted by icevic:

is there a reason why in most the Star Wars movie, the Imperial forces not only lose, but humilated by those whimpy rebel scums.


Ever see Empire Strikes Back?


Wait for eps II and III.


Cute little Anakin grows up to be a mass-murderer, and is eventually dropped into a molten pit, to claw his way out with the flesh burning off him. The Jedi Council is hunted down and executed (except for Yoda, of course). Amidala (probably) dies in ep. III.


Grim enough for ya?



"Do fish-people eat fish, or would that be like humans eating monkeys?"

"Humans do eat monkeys. In fact humans eat other humans. . . Y'know, as a species, we are really quite unpleasant."

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Guest Rogue 9

yes nute, we've all seen the holo in the galactic museum, what we should really wonder is why they went to so much trouble to cover up the Endor Holocast, while genocide is bad I think that the Ewoks had it coming... biggrin.gif

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Guest Rogue 9

and Prestage, also known as Palptines father. was killed by Admiral Krennel in his bid for power, a move actually orcastrated by ysanne isard to gain control of the empire and bring her one step closer to destroying the rebellion...

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Originally posted by Darth Sceltor:

Um, the Rebels won because they are the good guys.


think of all the innocent prisoners , droids, maids, servants and so on and so on who died in the death star explosion. Also when the second death star was destroyed their was surely loads of innocent workers, slave workers, civilian engineer forced to work. The rebels did not care about them and killed them all without pity.

Conclusion: The Rebels are Evil bad guys.

<font size=1>



[This message has been edited by Jem (edited April 24, 2001).]

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Guest Rogue 9

we did what was neccessary to defeat the empire, the first ore extractor had already been used on one planet, it was going to be used on yavin four. we knew the second had the exhaust port weakness eliminated so we had to go for it while it was under construction...

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You are all fools. There was no Empire or Rebellion. It was all a ploy by the Jedi. They created their a fake history because the galaxy had a population problem. The rebels and imperials were the population controlers. The new republic is only a front for the Jedi wich now control the universe.



"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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Wait for eps II and III.


Cute little Anakin grows up to be a mass-murderer, and is eventually dropped into a molten pit, to claw his way out with the flesh burning off him. The Jedi Council is hunted down and executed (except for Yoda, of course). Amidala (probably) dies in ep. III.



Ep. II and III are going to suck. Jar Jar will be back, and might have Jar Jar children.There will problably be about a total of 5 minutes worth of action through each episode. When Anakin falls into the pit, there will be a CENSORED screen covering the event so it wont scare the children.He mentioned how in ESB that Han's torture room in Cloud City was originally longer but he had to cut it because of the friggen children.


I hate it when Star Wars ends up as a children's show.Right now Im not really excited about it.This better not happen when he produces the Indiana Jones sequels.

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Guest Redwing

Spoilers? Spoilers? Yeah right! Like anyone in their sane mind would go over to theforce.net and read pretty much every single thing they had there on Episode two oops I said too much biggrin.gif



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Redwing

Originally posted by JR2000Z:

Ep. II and III are going to suck. Jar Jar will be back, and might have Jar Jar children.

Ha! *smirks mockingly*

There will problably be about a total of 5 minutes worth of action through each episode.

*falls to the floor convulsing with laughter*


Spoilers, spoilers biggrin.gifif they're wrong somebody's going to DIE



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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