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.meg extractor for Full version?


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Anyone have a .meg extractor for the full version? I've only been able to find 3.


First: Doesn't work at all on my comp.

Second: It unzips, but uses % instead of \ for unzipping, so everything is a mess and unorganized. Atleast, I believe thats what it is doing.

Third: Demo only


Any help?



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well I didnt recompile it, however if you leave the files in the config subfolder, it works, atleast from what I can it does. I made slight modfications and put them in the data/xml file, and left the config folder there and it used the files in the config folder instead of the xml folder... so in theory, atleast from what i worked with, it works fine.



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There is two config.meg files after you apply the patch. Is the first one redundent? I rename it and it did not seem to care..so why do they leave it in there I wonder?


It does nothing and is almost the same size as the original, it is just one folder up.

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i have a .bat file which you can use i need hosting it does the below


this is for use with the extracter found on petroden that creates all the files with % signs. it only works on the .xml files from config.ini.

extract all the files and run this .bat in the folder with the files in it.

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well here are some screenshots of what I did, in the process of doing it:


Step 1



Step 2



Step 3



Now these files do work, they just look different from the modded versions of the demo that use an XML file, which you could still use, just get rid of the data%xml%hardpoints.xml or whichever file you are editing and put them in a data\xml folder.



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  Epytron_Omega said:
Now these files do work, they just look different from the modded versions of the demo that use an XML file, which you could still use, just get rid of the data%xml%hardpoints.xml or whichever file you are editing and put them in a data\xml folder.



Apologies for butting in, but I can confirm that this works.

1. Extract the config.meg file as described in the above screenshots.


2. Create the following folders (complying with the directories specified in the files). Eg. If filename is DATA%XML%GROUNDBUILDABLESSKIRMISH.XML, then create the directory <Default GameDir>\GameData\Data\XML.


3. Copy the file to the directory created in step 2. Eg. copy DATA%XML%GROUNDBUILDABLESSKIRMISH.XML to \Data\XML\ subdirectory.




5. Play the game.


I thought the instructions were pretty straightforward, but just in case clarification is needed. Hope you don't mind. :)

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Hi, I am having a few problems with this process.



Okay, I extracted everything, now I have a config folder that has everything I need. I went into DATA%XML%CAMPAIGNS_SINGLEPLAYER and changed the starting credits for the empire (the ship yards of kuat) to be a little higher. So then I save it and try out the game and it still remains the same way it was. If this is not modable then what exactly is?

Oh ya, its my first post.

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Extraction works just fine with tool for demo. To make it viable, take the file DATA%XML%FILENAME and place into a folder XML within DATA without the DATA%XML% header. Just as was stated above.


I think maybe once you start a Campaign, the XML data is locked into the savegame for the rest of that Campaign. Did you try it as a New Start?


Not at all, just glad to help the community, also if you are still having problems, I am submitting all the XMLS and LUA files in the CONFIG folder to EAWfiles.com.


Thanks man, that is really nice! But the files are not there yet...could you upload them somewhere else that is faster maybe :)


OE I cannot for the life of me use DOS 'rename command' to rename the files more user friendly. I wish not to rename 700+ files by hand. You say the renamed files are at EAWfiles.com?



my program renames and moves all the xml files for u in 3-7 seconds


Hey cool! I cannot get the stubborn DOS to rename as it should do. Care to Share your program? :)

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No I havent converted them, but they work with the data%xml in the line. I know this to be true as it effected what I did when i had it extracted to data/config with the files titled data%xml%SPACEUNITSCAPITAL.xml and I had the data/xml folder with SPACEUNITSCAPITAL.xml and the first overwrote the second. my modified xml document in the xml folder had modified the Mon Cal Cruiser to launch fighters, and I did not delete the CONFIG folder, and thus when I built a Mon Cal Cruiser, it did not have any fighters launching. so it works fine the way it is, but if anyone wants to convert them into the 'correct' format, then go right ahead, however this works, so I am using it like it is. The files submited to EAWfiles is in the same format. I dont have another server to upload to Im sorry.



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I found that it is the real Filename in the XML file that overwites DATA%XML%Filename in Config folder. Just the opposite.


That is odd. I changed the price of a infantry soldier. It would only work if I place into a XML folder, outside the Config folder, with the propper shorter name.


maybe it will work both ways.


For easy reading and finding, it is nice to have it in the real name format.


I tried in DOS the rename command. d:\work> REN DATA%XML%*.xml *.xml


I thought that would cut off the header string.


UPDATE: OK found a nice free program that runs under XP that does everything! I will post the XML (only for now! not the SCRIPT or ART etc)

Renamed and propper folder structure like you are used to in the demo.


Just pull a file out, edit with any simple text editor, and place it in a XML folder you make sitting in the GAMEDATA/DATA folder to override the files within Config.meg.


Just like the demo. Nice and easy. Soon to be posted in a few minutes. THis makes it much easier and logical, and we are used to it.

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Comrade has another batch file editor to correct in reference.


I am using the free one off the Net. The "Meg Extractor" is just the same one everyone have been using for the demo.


Soon you can have the full XML nice and decopiled in human readable easy form. Just like the demo. SCRIPT, ART, LUA later...if not someone else beats me to it.

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