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Mission: Kill


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This Saturday I am taking a flight to London while my parents go to south america. I intend staying in London for 2 weeks.

-Primary Mission: Stay with family I have over there and enjoy vacation.

-Secondary Mission: Kill the Duke


Any advice or added missions concerning the "killing the Duke" project will be appreciated.


This forum will self destruct in..... wink.gif

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[This message has been edited by Jem (edited April 03, 2001).]

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Guest Rogue 9

I had the GPS Co'ords for his ISP's router somewhere, if you could just take it out it would be nice... heres the Lat/Long. (51.59 N, 1.34 W) Iam serious about the position now biggrin.gif

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

just dont use a nuke that would be a bit painful for me!!! eek.gifeek.gifeek.gifeek.gifeek.gifeek.gif



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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Going from memory of an animatic in the documentary, TRINITY AND BEYOND: THE ATOMIC BOMB MOVIE, I have constructed a crude graphic of the workings of the uranium gun weapon. You have my authorization to construct and utilize this device.



Uranium piece #2 collides with #1, achieving critical mass. There might be more to it. CAREFUL: BOMB

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

If international terrorists conceptualize nuclear weapons theory the same way Nute does, that might help explain why we're still here. loopy.gif

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A few precautions. Uranium is not dangerously radioactive in the amounts you'll be handling. If you plan to make more than one bomb it might be wise to wear gloves and a lead apron, the kind you can buy in dental supply stores. Plutonium is one of the most toxic substances known. If inhaled a thousandth of a gram can cause massive fibrosis of the lungs, a painful way to go. Even a millionth of a gram in the lungs will cause cancer. If eaten plutonium is metabolized likecalcium. It goes straight to the bones where it gives out alpha particles preventing bone marrow from manufacturing red blood cells.

The best way to avoid inhaling plutonium is to hold your breath while handling it. If this is too difficult wear a mask. To avoid ingesting plutonium orally follow this simple rule: never make an A-bomb on an empty stomach.


If you find yourself dozing off while you're working or if you begin to glow in the dark, it might be wise to take a blood count.

Prick your finger with a sterile pin, place a drop of blood on a microscope slide, cover it with a cover slip, and examine under a microscope (best results are got in the early morning). When you get leukemia, immature cells are released into the bloodstream, and

usually the number of white cells increases (though this increase might take almost 2 weeks). Red blood cells look kind of like donuts (without the hole), and are slightly smaller than the white cells,each of which has a nucleus. Immature red cells look similar to white cells (ie. slightly larger and have a nucleus). If you have more than

about 1 white cell (including immatures) to 400 red cells then start to worry. But depending upon your eventual use of the bomb, a short life expectancy might not be a problem.

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Yeah I'm gonna nuke him: nuke the duke...

reminds me of Duke Nukem.... smile.gif


oh yeaha and Nute, I think a "detailed" plan of a nuke would be more helpful, and I suggets that people living next to the Lat/Long. (51.59 N, 1.34 W) coordinates pack their bags and leave for a couple of weeks, they'll know when everything is over wink.gif


If the nuke doesn't work I think I'll just backstab him.

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For those of you who mocked my plans for the uranium gun weapon, please read this and you will see the crudeness of my design ends with looks (bolded sections provided in case you just want the main points):


Assembling a critical mass by firing one piece of fissionable material at another is an obvious idea and was the first approach developed for designing atomic bombs. But it is probably not obvious how you take two subcritical masses and obtain the equivalent of three critical masses by bringing them together.


This can be made clear by conducting a thought-experiment. Imagine a spherical pit made up of about three critical masses of fissionable material. Now remove a core (like an apple core) from the pit with a mass slightly less than critical. Since the center of the pit is now hollow, its effective density has been reduced to 2/3 of the original density. Since we now have two critical masses remaining in the pit, and the reduction in density leads to a further reduction of (2/3)^2 = 4/9, the pit now contains only 2*(4/9) = 8/9 of a critical mass.


The two sub-critical pieces can be brought together by firing the cylindrical core down a gun barrel into the center of the hollowed-out pit. The insertion time is large - over 1 millisecond. This is the design used in Little Boy, the bomb dropped on Hiroshima (except that a slightly less efficient squat cylinder was used, rather than a spherical pit).


The primary advantage of gun assembly is simplicity. It is as close to a fool-proof design as ordinance technology allows.


The drawbacks are:

a. the lack of compression, which requires large amounts of fissionable material, and leads to low efficiency;

b. only uranium-235 (and possibly U-233) can be used due to the slow insertion speed;

c. the weight and length of the gun barrel makes the weapon heavy and fairly long.



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ok, I'll be sure to do all that before Saturday... wink.gif


most of you will say that I'll never be able to get the Nuke and other weapons passed the customs but that ain't a problem at all because I have Diplomatic Licence, oh yeah cool.gif


it is clearly written in my passport:


The Secretary of States for the External Affairs of Canada requests, in the name of Her Majesty the Queen, all those whom it may concern to allow the bearer to pass freely without let or hindrance and to afford the bearer such assistance and protection as may be necessary.



I'm serious cool.gif

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Well, I'm off in less than 24h so any last minute advice or other stuff should be said soon. I'll try and report my progress over there, in the middle of battle.


and Nute, I got some few problems with the bomb: I think I messed up with the uranium, I couldn't get some uranium-235 so I tried with some stuff the <s>Soviets</s>, um I mean Russians sold me, I think I've been had...Anyways I can't feel anything: I think my nervous systeme has somehow been affected by that cheap uranium and I have these really strange scracthy lumps on my neck, any advice? wink.gif

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[This message has been edited by Jem (edited April 06, 2001).]

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Remember if it comes down to a knife sneak up behind him placing your hand over his mouth, and insert the knife where the brain skull meets the neck, jiggle the knife around making the brain into a mesh. Make sure you then clean the blade(thorw it into the ocean) and wear gloves at all times, get out of the clothes you were wearing and burn them.



"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Tried it.


Couldn't get the darn thing past the metal detector in customs. biggrin.gif


[This message has been edited by Zoom Rabbit (edited April 07, 2001).]

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