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new mod that does some helpful things


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this is a mod for EAW full version heres the readme file


thank you for down loading EAWFAN's first core game mod!!!

to install first go into your program files and copy your EAW game files and paste them any where you want(some place easy to find i have mine on my desktop) then simply place the xml file into the data file just like before with the demo(put the xml file in the newly pasted EAW) then it works it does the following :

decrease build time dramatically

adds tons more credits for each planet

higher pop cap

first EAW full game mod with the ven!!!


i will make another version that has more unit capacity along with both imp. and rebel units on each faction.



i am not responsible for any harm or damage or any thing that can happen to your computer when you install this and or download this. you may not take any action against me at all if you lose any data or your computer gets screwed up. by downloading this you agree with the terms above


new mod http://files.filefront.com/starwarsrebelsoldiermooocom_mod_20rar/;4790890;;/fileinfo.html

fixed the launching bug

lots of creds and population limit is very high

WORKS WITH THE CAMPAINS(rebel and empire story campains)

VEN added

and much more if there are any skinners or if you would like to help mod or be a test just email me at EAWBF2@aol.com



v wings spawn from ven

little more balanced

new abbilities for sd

mon cals and sd are buildable on all planets!!!!


created by EAWFAN and rob


enjoy, EAWFAN

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  damacles said:
Since you know the xml pretty well, have you looked at the saves? If so, do you know where your credits are stored in the save for the Rebels and Empire in Campaign mode?


i dont completly under stand that are you talking about saving games or a file called saves???

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  damacles said:
Sorry, meant a saved game.


its ok i will look at that in a hour or so but im trying to get the ven. is it ok with every one if i just take the ven from a demo mod for now then edit it in 4 hours


just found the ven code another 25 minutes


testing now another 10 minutes

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Man that sucks but hopefully the mod tools will fix that issue. Though I just can't seem to find the my money location in my Rebel Campaign saved game. I took my total money and converted it to hex reversed the digits and did a search in the save file...nothing showed up, so I put them back to normal and searched again, still nothing.


Hopefully you can help me with this, also hopefully, you can find the Empire's cash as well.

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  damacles said:
Man that sucks but hopefully the mod tools will fix that issue. Though I just can't seem to find the my money location in my Rebel Campaign saved game. I took my total money and converted it to hex reversed the digits and did a search in the save file...nothing showed up, so I put them back to normal and searched again, still nothing.


Hopefully you can help me with this, also hopefully, you can find the Empire's cash as well.


i will look at it and i will stay online for 3 -4 more hours(its 8:30 pm here)

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i did i added the ven just click the download thing again and it has the ven. this mod works in the campains but you have to restart the campain if your already playing it i cant get to any of the saved files through xml i will post this mod with more unit capacity and any thing else people ask. i am also wondering if any one wants to start a little "modding" group i have a website to host the mods but i need help just email me if your interested.

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Well I can open the saved game in a hex editor I just can't find the hex address of my money.


Also I just downloaded your updated mod and will try it out now.


Hmm...odd...I took the XML folder and put it in my gamedata/data folder, ran the game, started new campaign...no changes...started new conquest...no changes.


Ok, what did I do wrong?

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sorry for the delay i got a virus on both of my computers but saved one and am worknig on the internet with the new version of the mod. i hope that i can release it very soon by there are a few viruses left on my comp with the mod and i dont really fell like giving everyone a virus. sorry for the delay, EAWFAN

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