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um...no. that game sucks.


Rainbow Six/Eagle Watch and Rogue Spear/Urban Operations are the ONLY games to be played (with the exception of Alice because that's a different genre so i'll allow it).

The box for R6 told me to play as if 5.9 Billion lives depend on it, and BY GOD I DID.

Was the Ebola Brahma virus released at the Sydney Olympics? No, because of the vigilence and skill of RAINBOW. The Phoenix Group's diabolical treehugger plans were at an end.

Rogue Spear told me FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION. When Kutkin's lieutenant was fleeing after the thwarted sale of a nuclear weapon in moscow, I knew I had to stop him from escaping and detonating the weapon. My MP5/10SD was out of ammo, but there was no time to reload. So I whipped out my .50 Desert Eagle and unloaded a whole clip at the driver from fifty meters. I knew victory was mine when the heard the horn of the car sounding from the body of the driver leaning against it. Victory was mine and I had saved the lives of at least 500 million people

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Guest Rogue 9

*Insane Laughing*

Think you got all of us do you, I'll be down in my secret Base in Brazil if you want to drop by biggrin.gif



Leader of 3 Flight

IAN_CDT_Rogue9, RA_Rogue9

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Nute, do you play RS on-line or just as a single player? Is it really that good? It's my B-Day on Saturday and maybe I should tell the wife to get it for me. smile.gif


Taarkin, go to www.seattleswamp.com to play CS. You should be able to get a decent ping from them. I try to play there every day and can get a ping of 40-60. They have 5 linux servers.


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I think Rogue Spear with the Urban Ops mission pack is the best game EVER.

I've never played online (i tried once, but i didn't count get shot in the head right away because of not being able to move from the hideous AOL lag i was suffering as playing biggrin.gif) Rogue Spear singleplayer was pretty hard for even for someone that just came off of Rainbow Six. If you've never played Rainbow Six the whole way through, I'd recommend getting that first. They do sell both games and both expansions together nowadays. The missions in R6 start off rather easy and work up to hard (watch out for Operations Yellow Knife, Fire Walk, and...can't remember it's name but it's in an office building). Rogue Spear's first mission is harder than most of the later missions in R6. It seems like the whole Rainbow Series gets progressively harder as you go through every mission (like the missions in the Eagle Watch pack for R6 are harder than R6's and Rogue Spear is harder than Eagle Watch and Urban Ops is harder than Rogue Spear.) Everything seems to build on the game before it.

R6 has clunky graphics by current standards and Rogue Spear is supposed to look pretty good, but I don't know because my video card is crap smile.gif But they are of a noticibly higher quality than R6's.

The stories are pretty good. Rainbow Six tries very hard to stick to the original story from the book Rainbow Six, with some of the missions heavily altered to make them feasible in a game (the Worldpark mission for those of you that know), others deleted (that guy's castle in Austria from the book), and others added (the Belgian Embassy in the game). The story is about a group of radical enviromentalists, one is the owner of a major pharmcuetical (sp?) company, another is some cabinet member or something (anyone out there remeber exactly what Anne Lang did?), and another is the head of a security company. They form this group called PHOENIX and decide that the only way to save the earth is kill everyone except their little group. So they pick up an only KGB terrorist liasion and get him to "stir the pot" so that everyone's freaked out about terrorism. They use the whole terrorism thing get the security contract for the Sydney Olympics, where they can unleash their super-Ebola they engineered and have it spread all over the world while they hide out in their little biosphere thingy.

Rogue Spear's story is much simpler: a few random terrorist incidents thrown in with the terrorists working for the Russian Mafia to drive up the price of oil so the Russians can sell it cheaper than market price and still turn a profit. Eventually it's determined that the leader of the Mafia has nuclear weapons and is looking to sell. It turns into a personal war between Rainbow and the guy's terrorist groups.

Eagle Watch and Urban Ops are simply mission packs. I don't have EW, but I have UO. There's a 10 new singleplayer and a bunch of mp maps, plus a little "custom mission" thing. It's pretty nice. Also hard as hell (Virgin Moon is the hardest of all the hostage rescue missions in the WHOLE SERIES).

well, that was long biggrin.gif

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  • 1 month later...

I got bored...



The crazy f*cker was jerking off 10 times a day...


10 times a day, at LEAST...


They sent him to the Navy head shrinkers and the crazy bastard starts jerking off in the waiting room...


-Full Metal Jacket

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Guest Thorpie

Rogue Spear kicks butt!


I really don't like those covert operation thingy missions when you have to plant the bugs etc. especially that one in the chalet. The 2nd one in that mansion isn't so bad though.


It's wicked online too. I know what you mean about the AOL con, it's pants. Sometimes I can get a 3 yellow or even 2 green con though.


Nute, what's UO like. I haven't got it yet. What do you mean by custom mission thing? Is it like the Covert Ops one?

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you get to pick what you do in the mission (this is a bit limited though), like assault, hostage rescue, etc and for the lone wolf and terrorist hunt you get to pick how many terrorists there are. (Old railroad tracks with 50 terrorists is sweet. take frag grenades with you)

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

ok firstly who brought this topic back up again and secondly Unreal tournament if far supior much better Game play and good graphics - i always look for game play over graphics - look at infantry thats a good game but its graphics are about as good as Tiberium Sun



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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Guest Rogue 9

Having been playing Rogue Spear continuesly since I got it I would say it beats Unreal Tournoment which I have also, I also have the Urban Ops Expansion but I havent beat RS yet and have not installed it.


my favorite guns are the PSG-9 and the Desert Eagle .50

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Guest Rogue15

My favorite first person shooter is on a console, i know it would be better on pc though.


Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion is its name.


For pc though, i liked Project IGI, but i only have the demo, which barely runs on my computer (i don't have the required ram)

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