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Sound problem when I use the menu

Vagrant 66

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Whenever I open the menu, the sound in the game stops as soon as I return to the game. And then when I get to a part with voices, everything freezes just before they start to speak.


Yeah, so I can play, but if I do, I can't save. Any advice?



Oh, and I've got a 1280x1024 resolution, and when I play Grim, I get a black border thing around the left and top, as if the screen had moved a little to the bottom right. It's playable with that, but it's a little annoying.

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I'm not sure what to recommend concerning the sound, other than making sure you're patched and of course check through older threads in this forum (there's several years worth!). This is probably unrelated, but Grim Fandango has to run in 640x480 in order to be happy. I'm not sure how you're actually forcing it into 1280x1024 if that is the case, but it's probably not happy about it.


A utility was once created to force the game into a higher resolution than its native and the game just ended up being broken, with all the character models stuck inside a small 640x480 box while everything else filled the rest of the screen. Madness!


PS: Welcome. :)

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