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Venator fully enabled for download here.


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Enables both Venator version for Rebel and Empire. Full fighter squadrons and additional improvements. Venator_Full





Venator_Full_Enable "Empire At War" all version to 1.2 Slocket 2-20-2006


Updated version allows Venator to be played in Skirmish Mode also.



http://rapidshare.de/files/13911387/Venator_Full_2.rar.html :king1:


Enables two versions of the Venator for both the Empire and Rebels.

The Rebel's version has in game red markings and so do the fighters it spawns.

Empire version is all plain grey as usual. Works for full game.


Added unique Rebel and Empire voice confirmation upon build, cancel, completed.

Spawns 1 squadron of V-Wings unique to each side. 1 more in reserve for two total.

Each side can be customized for price, power, etc for the Empire or Rebel version.

You can add change the skins or models if you wish.


Added a visible targetable Hanger Bay hardpoint to model.


Wish list is to change the space build icon for the Rebels to make it with red markings.

A small matter. It is a tga file. Needs to be extracted and repainted ART folder.


This was a real pain to figure out all the sneaky changes to get it to work again in the

full version.


Tested only for Galactic Conquest Mode (singleplayer since I do not do MP).

The skirmish maps were to have a Venator to buy, later maybe I can see if it can be fixed. UPDATE Bug fixed. Venator can now be purchased at Merchant Dock.


Make a folder XML in you GameData\Data folder. Place the three files in there.




Thanks to the guys who got the Venator to work propper in the demo. It helped alot!


Version History: 1.0


Future release.

Needs tga for Rebel Icon build tab modified so it looks different from the Empire plain gray.

Enable for Skirmish maps. In-game description info box pop up for Empire counter/ good etc.


Update: 1.2


Enabled for Skirmish Mode play too.


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Hey there thanx much for this makes rebellion a lil more fair having an extra ship. What i'd like to kno is 2 things, where in the file can i change the Money cost and also i want to make it Rebel only not empire do u know how do change these. If u do cna u please tell us so i can change them myself?


thanx in advance

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I downloaded the file from the rapidshare site but only got one file called "Venator_Full.rar". I don't know where the "HARDPOINTS.xml" and "UNIQUEUNITS.xml" files come from.


So do we just create the XML folder in the Game Data\Data folder then put the "Venator_Full.rar" file in XML folder? Or is there a step that I missed?


Please confirm. Thanks! :)

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It is real easy. Just open the UniqueUnits.xml with a text editor such as word pad. Yo will see stuff that is readable. Search for "Jedi_Cruiser_R" that is the Rebel one. Below that about page down is something like <credit cost> 2500 </credit cost. Change that to what ever.


To remove the Empire's Venator it is called "Jedi_Cruiser_E" either erase it all, or just find below <Locked Build> NO </Locked Build> something like that. Just change it to 'Yes' meaning it is locked out. Other ways is to set it's tech level to 6 which the Empire can never research.


Or PM me and I can give a quick file with the changes. Tell me the price you want, and a valid link to upload to.




------------------------------------Search for this using wordpad----


<UniqueUnit Name="Jedi_Cruiser_R">


<Encyclopedia_Good_Against> Tartan_Patrol_Cruiser Broadside_Class_Cruiser </Encyclopedia_Good_Against>

<Encyclopedia_Vulnerable_To> Star_Destroyer Victory_Destroyer TIE_Bomber


--------------------below this you find the tech level requirments----







***change Tech_level>0 to say 6 makes it impossible to build for Empire when looking at Jedi_Cruiser_E***


--------------------------------further below is the cost----






Here you see it is 2500. Make what ever you want.


Give a try, if it is your first time try again -never give up. Only way to learn really is by doing it by the hard way, trial and error Hacking is.

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You must first unzip the packed file. It is in RAR format. It unzips into three files of which one is the readme the other two are the game files. If you do not have a unzipper that handles RAR files (files that end in the extension FILE.RAR) you can download WinRAR from here to use to unpack a file and several other formats automatically.




WinRAR 3.51 this one has a free trial, I been using a free older version, just look around the web. Usually they keep working after the expire date anyway, just will not let you 'pack' a file. I just google search "WinRAR" a quick download for you to use.


I should have added that you must unpack the compressed package of files. it is so common, I forget to mention that in the readme.


Real mods have Real readme. ;)

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Really? I hope I did not upload the wrong file. Let me take a look.




I looked them over and reloaded the exact files from the website. It works fine. hmm


If you are not getting a Fighter Bay Hanger you will not get any V-Wings to spawn. That is what was added to the HARDPOINTS.xml file.


Can you make sure they are in a folder you make called XML those two files, and it must be in root\GameData\Data folder. Not just root\GameData folder only.


Has anyone tried this yet and have it work to spawn V-Wings? The Hanger Bay is not very big and easy to over look hidden underneath the ship.


Can you look at this: Make sure you created a new folder called XML. Inside that folder place the two files HARDPOINTS and UNIQUEUNITS.


Now this folder called XML must be exactly inside the folder GameData\Data directory...it is easy to miss and just pace it in the GameData directory only.


It is very similiar to the demo mods. It even works for the Campaign missions.

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You allso need to enter this ability "Spawn Fighters". Hard points has nothing to do. Hardpoint will only modify how turrrert are precise in respect to other units.


I believe that is Spawn_Squadron in the SpaceBehavior area. Yes I have everything where its suppose to be.

Actually, I've been working on the Venater all weekend and still havent figured out what im doing wrong.

1) added fighter bay to hardpoints.xml

2) added Spawn_Squadron to Space_Behavior

3) added HP_Jedi_Cruiser_Fighter_Bay to hardpoints in the UniqueUnits.xml

3) and added some ships to spawn

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Ad did you add this piece of code in venator description in the file Uniqueunits.xml

<!-- Set to spawn all units once and then not continue - no reserves -->
	<Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>VWing_Squadron_R, 2</Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>
	<!--Currently no reserves -->
	<Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>VWing_Squadron_R, 3</Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0> 

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Yes I did.


This is in Hardpoints.xml


<HardPoint Name="HP_Jedi_Cruiser_Fighter_Bay">












This is in UniqueUnits.xml

<Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>Tie_Fighter, 1</Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>

<Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>TIE_Fighter_Squadron, 1</Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>

<Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>TIE_Bomber_Squadron, 1</Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>


<Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>TIE_Fighter_Squadron, 3</Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>

<Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>TIE_Bomber_Squadron, 1</Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>












<Death_Clone />




HP_Jedi_Cruiser_Shield_Gen, HP_Jedi_Cruiser_Engines, HP_Jedi_Cruiser_FL, HP_Jedi_Cruiser_FR, HP_Jedi_Cruiser_ML, HP_Jedi_Cruiser_MR, HP_Jedi_Cruiser_BL, HP_Jedi_Cruiser_BR, HP_Jedi_Cruiser_Fighter_Bay




I used Slockets structure since his worked better when building.

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It works perfectly fine for me. I cannot reproduce his problem.


I have (from the demo mods made) added a Fighter_Bay to Hardpoints.xml


Added 'Spawn_Squadron' to behaviour as stated.


Added 'Vwing_Squadron' lines. etc


The one notable change is in the full version, instead of one Generic VWing and Jedi Curiser, it is split up between three factions, with the _R, _E, _P appendix added.


So I just copied then modified some for two version of the Venator (and that is why the first attempts were causing two icons to appear in the space build GUI) The demo lumped faction afilliation all into one, the full game came actually seperates them individually now. So you must call them out for each fully with appendage.


The mod works fine on my computer, can anyone who is enjoying this mod please report if it is working for you?


This is not brain surgery, just copy and paste from the demo mod, then renaming some files to fit the new naming regiment.


[bold]Anyone please confirm if their copy is working? I CANNOT find anything wrong with this mod. [/bold]


It almost seems like he did not install the HARDPOINTS.xml file. There is no difference in the code for the USA and EU version I hope. That is wierd. I also see he is spawning Tie Fighter and Bombers instead. So the code has been changed.


<Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>Tie_Fighter, 1</Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>


That will not work. It must be a Squadron, not a lone Tie Fighter.

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"The one notable change is in the full version, instead of one Generic VWing and Jedi Curiser, it is split up between three factions, with the _R, _E, _P appendix added"


I feel kinda stupid, but that was my problem. I had put Jedi_Cruiser spawn at Coruscant not Jedi_Cruiser_E.


Anyways, I'm only giving the Venator to the Empire (it might even replace the acclamator). What I want to do to balance it out is turn the Calamari Cruiser into a starfighter carrier. Thing is it shows the hangar sign in the top left of my computer screen and it only spawn one squadron (which is half of what i added). Does anyone know how to move the hangar to the ship?

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OH MY GOD!!! I LOVE THIS MOD!!!! I just came home from work, just tested it in the Galactic Conquest for both Rebels and Empire! I've never tried the demo but seeing those beauties in action is just simply amazing!!!


You are the man, SLOCKET!!! And to answer your question regarding the V-Wings, yes they do spawn successfully. I built two Venators each and below are screenshots!


Rebel Venator



Empire Venator


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I see you figured it out. Now you can get a working Mon Cal fleet carrier. Use the format of the ISD <bone_attachment_XX>. You will figure out with some trial and error. ;)




Thank you for such good feedback with pictures! I am glad it is working confirmation!

Without feedback I cannot make or fix a possible problem with a mod. It is very important for me :)

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Besides making the venator buildable, is it possible to make other things buildable such as indigenous species. For example Imperial_Guard_Company. I assume its possible. Is it a matter of finding the facility that trains either stormtroopers or field officers and add the Imperial Guard as one that can be built?

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Yea i'd like to see wat the Pod walker is lol n i didnt have the vwing problem either worked fine the first time round for me. I scaled down the price a lil not a lot to better match with wat value u got which wasnt that good, n got me thinkin so i went into the hardpoints n going by Slockets fine example tried sum trial nd error n i was able to change the laser cannons to turbo lasers and the concussions to torpedos MWHAHAHAHAH i jus bought the venaor into the 21st century!!

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Tht is great news! More successful stories. It helps us fellow modders out alot. If anyone has trouble, do not be afraid to ask for help to get it to work.


Cool to see you bucky699 get a modification for yourself working, someday young Jedi Modder well become a Master Modder I see. ;)


@Future Guy


You can get it to spawn A-Wings by by doing this. From above example you seen how to open up the file UNIQUEUNITS.xml with a text editor, and find these lines below Jedi_Cruiser_R for the Rebels variant.


<Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>VWing_Squadron_R, 1</Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>


<Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>VWing_Squadron_R, 1</Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>


Simply replace "VWing_Squadron_R" with "A_Wing_Squadron" without the quotes. make sure the spelling is exact. That is all you need to do. You have the correct method, just the wrong name for the A-Wing to spawn.




Yes that is correct. You can make any building produce anything you want, even unique custom made units (then maybe some new TGA art skin to make them look different). Even the Empire's Red Imperial Guard. You can make the Academy building produce both officers and Imperial guard units. Very moddable.

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