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Venator fully enabled for download here.


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Yes indeed, now alot of people will see them! :king1:


Great new! Now you can use the Venator in Skirmish Mode also!


Just slip this extra file into the XML folder and it enables the Venator for both sides to purchase from the Merchant Space Dock. The game claims it can be bought but it is not there, this fixes that problem!




simply change this:


<?xml version="1.0"?>



<!--**************** Orbital Construction Pod ************************-->


<SpaceBuildable Name="N_Orbital_Construction_Pod">








<Affiliation>Rebel, Empire, Neutral</Affiliation>














and just remove <> stuff away from the Jedi_Cruiser_E and _R. Now you buy them in Skirmish mode (SP and MP) Space Mode Maps.

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did the Venator got towned down since the demo? IIRC, in the demo it was more powerfull, 2 extra heavy turbolasers.?

IMHO, it's now weaker then the acclamator ship.



Slocket --> can u update your XML file, with the inclusion of skirmish plz?

what tech lvl ship is it actually?

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hi, this is my first post: not to complain, but it seems rapidshare is really getting on me. I won't state its inefficiencies, but would rather ask that the file be hosted somewhere..else...


Pls, I really want to see the Venator in the game. I tried with Bryant' mod and Max Outrider's file but to no avail...thx:)

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Slocket just want to say thanx for your mod. having the venator in the game is awsome. been playing quite a bit today and having a hell of a time, and now im glad i came back to see this post again and the info on getting the venator into skirmash mode. took me just a couple minutes to figure it out....


just got done playing a skirmash game with them and it works fine,


again thanx.

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Tht is great news! More successful stories. It helps us fellow modders out alot. If anyone has trouble, do not be afraid to ask for help to get it to work.


Cool to see you bucky699 get a modification for yourself working, someday young Jedi Modder well become a Master Modder I see. ;)


@Future Guy


You can get it to spawn A-Wings by by doing this. From above example you seen how to open up the file UNIQUEUNITS.xml with a text editor, and find these lines below Jedi_Cruiser_R for the Rebels variant.


<Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>VWing_Squadron_R, 1</Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>


<Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>VWing_Squadron_R, 1</Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>


Simply replace "VWing_Squadron_R" with "A_Wing_Squadron" without the quotes. make sure the spelling is exact. That is all you need to do. You have the correct method, just the wrong name for the A-Wing to spawn.

I'll try that later today after work.


I also did some of my own tweaking to the Venator. I made it stronger, it now includes more fighters, better HP and Shields, more energy allowance, but it all comes at a price: 5000 Credits are needed to build it. The reason I did this is because the Empire will swarm the Rebels with TIEs. This basically counters that advantage, but you need to be 'rich' in order to build it (and I might make the price tag higher still.)


BTW, are all the ships in the game in this XML files?

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Cheers on this one. I know it took some work to get this done. Works, well...I tweaked the Veantor a just to give the IMPs a challenge, and under the assuption that the Rebs would add enhanced shields, etc. after pulling them from some storage yard...god I'm a geek for even thinking about that.

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Hey, updated version that enables for Skirmish Mode play. Buy it at a Merchant Space Dock.


@ GreenGoblin


You can place conditional on what planets may contruct the Venator the same way they did for the ISD and Mon Calamari. The file you would need to alter is that UNIQUEUNITS.xml. I will post the code to add to give it a go. I think you can add it in? Just copy and paste this:


<Required_Special_Structures />

<Required_Planets>Nal Hutta</Required_Planets>


In where ever you want. Usually below the other stuff, space sttion and tech level would look good.


@Future Guy


All the ships are in the XML but not this mod. Download my other file Expanded XML to see 366 xml files to play with. EAW_FULL is in another thread. A really useful file library to have for modding. It's extracted, renamed, formated in proper folder structure. Plus easy to use readable format.

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I've been working on a Super Venator


<UniqueUnit Name="Jedi_Cruiser">
	<Encyclopedia_Good_Against> </Encyclopedia_Good_Against>
	<Encyclopedia_Vulnerable_To> </Encyclopedia_Vulnerable_To>
           <GUI_Row> 1 </GUI_Row>


	<MovementClass> Space </MovementClass>
	<Space_Layer> Capital </Space_Layer>


	<OverrideAcceleration> .1 </OverrideAcceleration>
	<OverrideDeceleration> .1 </OverrideDeceleration>
	<Layer_Z_Adjust> -90 </Layer_Z_Adjust>

	<Armor_Type> Armor_Star_Destroyer </Armor_Type>




           <Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>TIE_Fighter_Squadron, 2</Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>
	<Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>TIE_Bomber_Squadron, 1</Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>
	<Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>TIE_Fighter_Squadron, 8</Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0> 
	<Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>TIE_Bomber_Squadron, 4</Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>



	<Death_Clone />

		HP_Jedi_Cruiser_Shield_Gen, HP_Jedi_Cruiser_Engines, HP_Jedi_Cruiser_FL, HP_Jedi_Cruiser_FR, HP_Jedi_Cruiser_ML, HP_Jedi_Cruiser_MR, HP_Jedi_Cruiser_BL, HP_Jedi_Cruiser_BR HP_Jedi_Cruiser_Fighter_Bay HP_Jedi_Cruiser_FC

	<CategoryMask> Capital | AntiFrigate </CategoryMask>

	<GUI_Offset>0 0 0</GUI_Offset>



	<SFXEvent_Move_Into_Asteroid_Field> Unit_Asteroids_Jedi_Cruiser </SFXEvent_Move_Into_Asteroid_Field>
	<SFXEvent_Move_Into_Nebula> Unit_Nebula_Jedi_Cruiser </SFXEvent_Move_Into_Nebula>

	<SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint> HARD_POINT_WEAPON_LASER, Unit_HP_LASER_Jedi_Cruiser </SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint>
	<SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint> HARD_POINT_WEAPON_MISSILE, Unit_HP_MISSILE_Jedi_Cruiser </SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint>
	<SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint> HARD_POINT_WEAPON_TORPEDO, Unit_HP_TORP_Jedi_Cruiser </SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint>
	<SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint> HARD_POINT_WEAPON_ION_CANNON, Unit_HP_ION_Jedi_Cruiser </SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint>
	<SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint> HARD_POINT_SHIELD_GENERATOR, Unit_HP_SHIELDS_Jedi_Cruiser </SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint>
	<SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint> HARD_POINT_ENGINE, Unit_HP_ENGINES_Jedi_Cruiser </SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint>
	<SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint> HARD_POINT_GRAVITY_WELL, Unit_HP_GRAV_Jedi_Cruiser </SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint>

	<SFXEvent_Engine_Idle_Loop> Unit_Acclamator_Idle_Engine_Loop </SFXEvent_Engine_Idle_Loop>
	<SFXEvent_Engine_Moving_Loop> Unit_Acclamator_Moving_Engine_Loop </SFXEvent_Engine_Moving_Loop>
	<SFXEvent_Engine_Cinematic_Focus_Loop> Unit_Acclamator_Cinematic_Engine_Loop </SFXEvent_Engine_Cinematic_Focus_Loop>


	<Space_Full_Stop_Command> Yes </Space_Full_Stop_Command>


	<Death_Clone>Damage_Normal, Jedi_Cruiser_Death_Clone</Death_Clone>


	<Encyclopedia_Text> TEXT_TOOLTIP_VENETOR </Encyclopedia_Text>
	<Encyclopedia_Unit_Class> TEXT_ENCYCLOPEDIA_CLASS_CAPITAL </Encyclopedia_Unit_Class>
	<Score_Cost_Credits> 12000 </Score_Cost_Credits>

	<!-- Hero abilities for Captain Piett added to ship; Hero "moveable" unit removed -->		
	<Unit_Abilities_Data SubObjectList="Yes">
		<!-- Primary ability -->
			<Mod_Multiplier>SPEED_MULTIPLIER, 0.8f</Mod_Multiplier>
			<GUI_Activated_Ability_Name> Piet_Energy_Weapon_Attack_Ability </GUI_Activated_Ability_Name> <!-- GUI Command Bar support -->
                       <SFXEvent_Special_Ability_Loop> Unit_Star_Destroyer_Energy_Blast </SFXEvent_Special_Ability_Loop> 

			<Bomb_Countdown_Seconds>1.5</Bomb_Countdown_Seconds>  <!-- AI 8.12 -->


	<Abilities SubObjectList="Yes">
		<Combat_Bonus_Ability Name="Piet_Combat_Bonus_General">
			<Unit_Strength_Category>Capital | Corvette | Frigate | Fighter</Unit_Strength_Category>
			<Applicable_Unit_Categories>Capital | Corvette | Frigate | Fighter</Applicable_Unit_Categories>
			<Applicable_Unit_Types />

		<Combat_Bonus_Ability Name="Piet_Combat_Bonus_Star_Destroyer">
			<Unit_Strength_Category />
			<Applicable_Unit_Categories />
			<!-- note stacking category, this stacks with other hero combat bonuses -->

		<Energy_Weapon_Attack_Ability Name="Piet_Energy_Weapon_Attack_Ability">
			<Activation_Style> User_Input </Activation_Style>
			<Applicable_Unit_Categories>Capital | Corvette | Frigate | Fighter | Bomber | Transport</Applicable_Unit_Categories>
			<Applicable_Unit_Types />

			<!-- Modifiers. If 0 - no modifier is applied, 1 - "100% increase or decrease" -->


	<Tactical_Build_Prerequisites />

<UniqueUnit Name="Jedi_Cruiser_Death_Clone">



way overpowered I know...I can't seem to add new hardpoints though

and I'm way lazy to find a section that shows you how to create them

can anyone point me in the right direction? thanks.


Oh and Slocket you rock btw couldnt have done this w/o you.

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Rather than starting another Venator topic I'll post my inquiry here:


If I want the Venator to only be buildable on a certain planet, let's say Nal Hutta for the time being, for both sides what files would I need to alter.


Go into the file where the venator is located, and add this where it would seem to fit:



That would set it so you can only build it on Nal Hutta. Change the planets to what you want. Here's what it is for the Capital ships:

<Required_Planets>MonCalimari, Kuat, Fondor, Sullust</Required_Planets>

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Just had to post a screenshot while trying to recreate the REAL Siege of Coruscant! ;)




Just ignore that Mon Calamari cruiser at the foreground (or pretend its a wayward spaceliner... ;) )


Its actually interesting. At one point, the Empire (I was playing the rebels) were also sending me Venators in Skirmish. I went to the Merchant station, bought three Venators, then left. While building up my forces, an opposing Venator attacked me. Seeing the Venators from both sides duke em out is so cool I wished I didn't have so many forces that just happen to be there which overwhelmed them!!! It would be nice to see them fight one amongst themselves.


Now if only we can have a map editor to get rid of those ugly nebulas in the background so I can take more random photos (they ruin the photo, hence why I only get a few decent shots and missed the ones with the Venators from both sides fighting).

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Great Mod! :)


To get the V-wing Icon to show during battles, go to the Squardon.xml.

Go to which ever side has them...and replace the Z95 tga code with this:




It'll show the Vwing icon when in space as well as on the command bar.


If you want the Venator to be buildable in skirmish like any other side specific ship, go to Starbases.xml, then <StarBase Name="Skirmish_Rebel_Star_Base_4"> or where ever you prefer, and add it to this section:


























It'll become available when this tech level is reached.

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If I wanted to add the Venator mod to be builded during campaign and gallatic mode to the Space Realism 2.0 mod, what lines woulld I have to add to the existing mod. Basically, can you post what u changed and tell me where to add them. Im not asking this to undermine anyone, I just want to be able to use two good mods and once that would overwrite each other.

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I am going to release an updated version with more additions such as that wrong icon for the V-Wing (uses the Z-95 Headhunter opps! as said above) and a colored red icon for the Rebels in the build tab when they release the up coming third patch soon.


Sometimes they change the basic stuff around why I wait. I will use a better download site, does anyone know of a good site for free hosting? Seems Rapidshare.de is a bugger for some people.

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I am going to release an updated version with more additions such as that wrong icon for the V-Wing (uses the Z-95 Headhunter opps! as said above) and a colored red icon for the Rebels in the build tab when they release the up coming third patch soon.


Sometimes they change the basic stuff around why I wait. I will use a better download site, does anyone know of a good site for free hosting? Seems Rapidshare.de is a bugger for some people.

Try http://www.filefront.com
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