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(FAN FICTION) Revan's Bloodline


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Chapter 12:


3 years later….


Darth Turmoin, now Darth Revan II stood in his throne room inside the capital building on Coruscant. It had been three long years since that fateful day on his star destroyer where he struck down Ayro Revan. The Republic, now a Sith Empire was devoid of all freedom and rights. Those who spoke out against him were soon dealt with. His agents were everywhere. Though for the past three years, there had been something on his mind, a fear that he had been having. Every time he began to worry he soon dismissed this fear as impossible.


Meanwhile, a traumatized Sith soldier was running about the streets of Coruscant. His platoon was on a mission when they were all greeted and slaughtered by a man wielding a blue lightsaber. He was the sole survivor; it was a rare site for the civilians seeing one of their oppressors running in fear, they enjoyed watching it, but they dare didn’t show their joy. The doors to the capital building opened and the politicians and soldiers made way for him so he could report this catastrophe to the Dark Lord.


“My Lord!” the soldier yelled as he dropped to his knees.

“What business do you have with me? Speak quickly; you know someone of your lowly rank shouldn’t be speaking to me.” Darth Revan II said.

“My squad was killed in the streets.”

“Did you see the perpetrator?”

“No, but his weapon of choice is a blue lightsaber.”


This made Revan II sit down in his throne and think.


A Jedi on Coruscant? That’s rather bold of those exiled fools.

“Thank you for reporting this, I will forgive you for speaking to me if you leave right now.” Revan II said.


The soldier scrambled to his feet, saluted and sprinted out of the throne room. Revan II was in a sticky situation; if a Jedi was on Coruscant without his knowledge he must be powerful. He punched his comm.


“Lord Vailosis?” Revan II said.

“Yes, Master” Vailoisis responded.

“Return to Coruscant, we have a problem.”

“Yes Master, right away”


The next morning Vailosis arrived on Coruscant, the matter seemed urgent so he rushed to see what was troubling his master. He knelt as he entered his master’s presence.


“Darth Vailosis, I want you to take three of our most elite Dark Jedi to the streets of Coruscant, we have a Jedi who enjoys playing the rebel in our midst.” Revan II commanded.

“It will be done, I will bring you the Jedi’s head” Vailosis promised.

“Good, leave now and don’t return until you have his head in your possession.”


Vailosis conjured the best Sith he could find and they entered the city. The terrified civilians bowed in their wake, none of them dared to speak when they were in their presence. Night fell and they still saw no trace of any other force activity besides theirs. Vailosis remembered his promise he made to his master and urged his fellow Sith to resume their search. The night turned into the early morning and he commanded his party to give up, regardless of what Revan II’s reaction would withhold. He turned his back when he heard a lightsaber activate, followed by another. It was dark so all he could see was a blue beam and multiple red beams. The red beams diminished quickly until Vailosis was the only one alive. He activated his lightsaber and prepared for battle, the Jedi began to run in the opposite direction of Vailosis’.


“You aren’t getting away, coward!” Vailosis yelled, he cast Force Speed and pursued him. He chased his target into the basement of an abandoned building. The room was dark but Vailosis could sense that he was in the same room as the Jedi was.


“I’ve chased you down here, you are cornered, and there is no way out!” Vailosis yelled.

“Now the question you should be asking is: did you chase me down here? Or were you led down here?” the Jedi responded.

“Stop acting like you are in control and give in, coward! Show yourself!”


The light flicked on in the room, the sudden change in light blinded Vailosis for a few moments but once he regained his vision he looked down to see a cast aside Jedi cloak. He looked up and all strength had left his knees when he realized who it was. His target had long crimson braids, bronzed skin, and three black markings along his cheeks and chin. His target was Ayro Revan.


“You… I saw you die, this is a trick, an imposter!” Vailosis yelled.


Ayro pulled the top part of his robes, exposing the stab wound on his chest. Ayro stood against the wall calmly; his power had vastly increased after training with Revan when he was dead. Vailosis fired Force Lightning at him; Ayro held one hand out as Vailosis’ lightning and gathered it in a ball. Vailosis kept firing in a steady wave for many minutes but he did not penetrate Ayro. Finally he gave in, he bent over in exhaustion.


“It isn’t wise to lower your eyes to an enemy!” Ayro yelled as he shot the ball of lightning at him. Quickly Vailosis blocked the ball with his lightsaber and it fizzled out when it hit the wall. Ayro pulled out his lightsaber and charged at Vailosis, slashing at him, Vailosis parried.

“Too slow” Ayro said as he caught Vailosis off guard and he cut off his mechanical hands and stabbed his leg. The Sith fell on his back.

“Déjà vu” Ayro chuckled, He rested his foot on Vailosis’ torso and pointed his lightsaber at his chest.


“How? How did you come back?” Vailosis asked.


“I wouldn’t tell that to a mere servant like you” Ayro said as he delivered the fatal blow to Vailosis’ chest. Ayro walked into the streets of Coruscant and got into his spacecraft, vanishing into space.

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