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Repulsor tank ATST ?


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I think there was some sort of error made that a modder could probaly fix. It seems to me the Repulsor tank should be available from the beginning while the AT-ST should be available later. The reasoning being the Repulsor was a Clone Wars Era tank, it shouldnt be available later and be more powerful then a AT-St. The added benefit from fixing this problem would be an excuse to make the AT-ST more battle worthly then it is.


any thoughs on the issue?

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i imagine game balance reasons was probaly the reason but i think it does need to be changed because it isnt realistic, not to mention AT-STs in EAW are made of paper more then the AT-STs where in SWG ;)


They always gotta pick on AT-STs, hopefully someone will fix them though, AT-STs arent as weak as this and i'm sure im not alone in rather having plentiful useful AT-STs instead of clone wars junk.

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im not really a programmer hehe, i can only make suggestions and hope people who do know how to will like the idea and make them


the last time i mucked with XML somehow EAW broke and wouldnt work until i did full uninstall/reinstall, so i learned my lession from there.

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