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magna could you make your sig smaller? not only is it annoying, it's annoyingly BIG.


I second that request. It makes my browser act funny. Nothing personal, so please don't take offense. I think DMUK's sig is a little long as well, and he's the admin of the forum! :)


Magna, I saw some great advice from Darth_TorpidPG (from Petroglyph) in some of the mod threads. I think he answered some of your technical questions (like how to add/remove planets and possibly the exceptions). Look up his public profile and search for all threads that he's posted in. Then read the ones that are in the modding forum. I would also look at the Realism mod for some ideas about how-to issues.


Good luck, hope you figure it all out.

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Im sorry, i should specify. What do i need to do with the downloaded files to be able to use them in the game. Simply make an XML folder, put them in it and run the game? Will this transfer over to any savegame files in CG, or will it make them crash?


Thanx again

-tHe mEaTHeaDeD NeWb

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"I discovered a workaround to that. It isnt great but It does work. Take the Enhancement XMLs out of the EaW folder, then start the game, start a GC game, save, exit, put the XMLs back in, then load the game. The mod works even with save files that didnt use it. You should get your venators then."



Either im mot doing it right or its just not working.... still get exception but its asking me if i want to reload because the XML folder changed

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I submitted the Second enhancement mod a http://www.Eaw.heavengames.com I need Help resently caus im starting 3.0 I have planed to add planets in this one al ong with indigdous units like Bothan Bothan spys royal guards and crap Also new units even an attempt at adding other units from the demo *Big game arena, Jedi star fighter*


expect K-wing, T/I ,T/D . SSD. T/CH and some more ships from galaxies along withmore EU Help suggestions any thing is a help and thanks in return.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I wanted to Update sense last time:


Shadow Claw works I plan to Rename it re named to Balzalorn class Attack ship

Tie-Aggressor added with Nova Courier and K-wing.

Im going to give K-wing Lucky shot but Rename it to Overcharge shot

Modular Star Hauler was Succsessfully added I will try for VSDII and ISD II

Ill add Strike Cruiser and YT-1300 and Dreadnaught.

Also Bothan spy and Star Viper with More Units will be added and I properly named units.


I might add thraw as instead of Grand Admiral. Captain or Admiral or Rear Admiral.



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Well Revan only install 2.1 and get rid of V1 and replace the files with V2.1.


Nathan I want to wait till I tackle Ground units or fighters for that matter because when ever I make a New squadron or unit company it makes the game crash but ill try rieeken http://www.eaw.heavengames.com has the new verison the ground compaines were mainly done my friend.

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