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EAW: Star Wars Realism v3.0 (Space Combat)


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You can take a look at how I did it.


For instance, for the X-wing, in SPACEUNITFIGHTERS I gave it a torpedo hardpoint. And if you look at HARDPOINTS.xml, see how I created that hardpoint. To avoid problems, try to use similar hardpoints. For instance, I based that hardpoint off of the Y-wing. If you base it off say an Acclamator, it won't look.

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At the bottom of your posts you see "you may" and right next to is "edit this", with this you can change what ever you did in the post you just did or any post that you did before, so you could add to that post or subtract something from that post.

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Again, very good mod. Can you tell me where in the XML to change the speed of unit movement between planets on the galactic map? I want to change it back to the normal speed. I haven't quite gotten used to the slowed down speed you modded in. Thanks.

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Um... You do if you want to do it the HARD way. ^_^


Instead, try going to FACTIONS.XML, looking for the <Hyperspace_Speed_Factor> for each faction (there are two, duh) and changing them.


A lower number is slower, higher is faster.


EDIT: See, this is what I get for posting faster than I read. heh

Changing it BACK... I guess you do it the way MistenTH said.


Too bad THEY did it the hard way. ^_^


Have fun!

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Hey, what's up Misten, I haven't been around lately and I'm still waiting for the mod tools :( I've been working on this though (11000 polies, not meant for a game)



arms will come soon, sorry this is offtopic but it is my job to make models for ya. Also, jedi is requesting the carrack model. I leave it up to you to make that decision as I made it for your mod :)

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Hey Wildcat! Well, my mod, but YOUR models. You could even upload them to lucasfiles or some other place for anyone to use em, since they're great :) This mod of mine is basically open-source now heh.


Went gold a while ago, still pleasant to see people enjoying it after so long.

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