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Death Star Attack: Taking out ships with it

Master Nikolaos

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Well you have to understand from an EU perspective the original Death Star couldn't target ships, it wasn't as advanced as the second death star, which could. Seeing that the game is set during the time between ep 3 and 4 it would suggest that this would be the "less advanced" Death Star. But any mods that come out during EP 5-6 or beyond would be great to have that ability.

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Well I think this is open to interpretation. It could be the second death star.


Now for ideas. It would only need to be a mobile planetary gun. AFAIK the DS shows at the same place on each map. You would need to change the location for the planetary guns effect and add it to the DS.

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From the way that the story in this game goes it is the first death star, but I do agree that it would be cool to be able to use its laser to shoot enemy capital ships, however it should not be able to target anything smaller then a neb-b and the falcon should also be given the ability to kill the death star. If you bring one good thing from eps 6 in then you also have to include how it was killed.


In the movie it used a less powerful charge when it fired at cap ships so that it could fire faster, so I would think that the max damage from this beam at least for game purposes should be about 50% greater then the hypervelocity gun, and its recharge timer should be about 50% longer.


If you are to use it in combat then it should also cost you fleet points during space battle I think that 10-12 should do, you should also have to choose what you want to use, if you use the anti capitol chip beam it is ready when you get there and again in a few minutes, if you use the anti planet then that's it you cant fire again for like 20 minutes of space battle time. If this was not done then the DS and a couple of vic's could win every space battle, after all the death star can not be targeted for attack by normal units. Or you could just make it where the falcon or red squadron can attack it during the battle and you still loose the game if you loose it.

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I'm not sure the first death star couldn't, it never came in contact with a rebel capitol ship. We don't even know the rebels had access to any ship larger than a corvette.


Personally I don't thinik it could have as the recharge rate was modified for the DSII so it's likely so was the accuracy.


I would just like to be able to build more than one. If I have the plans and the money why not?

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I'm not sure the first death star couldn't, it never came in contact with a rebel capitol ship. We don't even know the rebels had access to any ship larger than a corvette.


Personally I don't thinik it could have as the recharge rate was modified for the DSII so it's likely so was the accuracy.


I would just like to be able to build more than one. If I have the plans and the money why not?


Actually, the Death Star could only fire once every, like, 11 Hours, whereas the Death Star 2 had a significantly lower recharge rate, a la 5 minutes perhaps?

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The first Death Star did not have enough targeting precision to destroy a capital ship. It could, however, summon enough charge to destroy a planet.


The Death Star II had improved targeting, as well as increased power generating capacity. It could destroy a capital ship once per minute, and could destroy a planet once every three hours.


All information is courtesy of the Technical Journal of the Imperial Forces v2.0 (1995)

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