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Pure Pazzak


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Hi this is an actual request, I don't think its hard. Can somebody MOD a tie breaker Pazzak card like the one in TSL for KOTOR? Also if somebody could just answer one quick question, I DL the Defenders wrist consol 1.9 and I can't figure out if my spells.2da file has to be inside my override folder or is it a lone file? Because I tried putting it in the override folder and extracting everything in there but it doesn't work.

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1. Tie breaker is probably just TSL feature (new function or something), so I don`t think this is possible.

But I could be wrong.


2. Hmm, Wrist Console uses TSL Patcher, so copying files will not work. And yes spells.2da must be in your override. Orginal or modified, it`s no difference for TSL Patcher.

It`s all written in Info.rtf, which is placed in wrist console archive\tslpatchdata.

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