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Osuirofs requests


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1. Could someone make a script for robe\armor that will:


a. check for players head, and apply it so even when using disquise thing, you will have your own head.

I wish to use this with the Dark_Jedi_Low\Mid\Hi\Male\Female_0x appearance (armor\body look), but with head of PC\NPC wearing it.


Other appearances (i.e. Republic soldiers) would be usefull too.

I`ve tryed to put **** in "normalhead" column, but that give me a headless character, and I have no idea what to do next to make this work.


b. block other slots (waist, head, etc.).

It could be a valid\dummy\blank item file, but it must be a whole with armor (equip\unequip at the same time). Also with use with Dark_Jedi_Low\Mid\Hi\Male\Female_0x appearance.

I wish to make armor that when equiped will block\use\put a item in other slots, and when taken off unblock them.

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