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Creating Placeables


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Obligatory Rant:


Ok, well I'm a complete modelling n00b, which is why I've stuck to scripting and also why I'm not going to model this :p. If I were to load up one of the Dantooine models in 3ds max and then isolate one of the trees from the rest of the model how would I go about getting that into the game - as a placeable? I understand that animations are beyond us for a bit but as a tree it doesn't need to be animated it just needs to be there.


Side Question:


Would this placeable have its own collision mesh, or is this something I either have to do something else for or is impossible?



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Find a placeable obj. with same or close size (locker or plasteel cilinder should be good), make new entry in placeable.2da (or something like this) for your custom locker, use 3dmax to edit model and set transparency for this 100%, make another new entry in 2da but this time for your tree (set model name and texture), then insert both with same vector. Even invisible that locker should have active collision mesh.

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