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New journal entires and Masters of Disguise

Princess Artemis

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Two questions:


I'm trying to make new journal entries...without going into dialog.tlk to do it. I read Darth333's tutorial, but for whatever reason, it's not working. In KGFF, by changing the StringRef in the Text [Type: CEXOLOCSTRING] to -1, it doesn't allow me to add any new text. Using Text [Type: CEXOSTRING] with text just makes blank journal entries in TSL (I'd added a new numeric global to globalcat.2da, so I'm guessing the game is adding a journal entry but doesn't know what text to put in it). The same happens in other GFF editors--apparently, CEXOLOCSTRING doesn't like text in its fields (the Name [Type: CEXOLOCSTRING] also refuses text). Is there somewhere else I need to put the custom -1 StringRef text? Or am I misunderstanding how this works? I noticed I can add a [LocalString] with options for male or female, language, and the ability to add text to that under a CEXOLOCSTRING in Substring Info; is this where I should add my custom text after telling the .jrl file that the StringRef is -1 in the Text and Name struct?


Edit: I looked at Darth333's Dustil recruit journal in KGFF, and it shows up with everything under the Text CEXOLOCSTRING, but in TlkEdit, they show up as LocalStrings under the Text CEXOLOCSTRING...and the LocalString I added to the Name CEXOLOCSTRING is showing up in the game the way it should, so I must be doing something else wrong. Possibly with the global, possibly with the dialogue, possibly with some dingbat mistake...or I'm pretty much stumped.


Edit part two: Answer: I'm a dingbat. I'd named the list struct Entry instead of EntryList. ::bangs head on desk:: But the info about adding LocalStrings is important, too, since none of the GFF editors I've used (KGFF, TlkEdit, or the modified BioWare GFF editor would allow me to add text to a CEXLOCSTRING with a -1 StringRef without one. Personal experience here, they're easier to add with KGFF by right clicking the CEXOLOCSTRING then going to Add String, or in TlkEdit, by clicking on the CEXOLOCSTRING, then Edit-->New Node--> then chosing the language/gender in the pop-up box. Haven't figured out how to do it with the other editor.)


Second question: Very strange things are happening with my custom NPC. I used TSLPatcher to add the proper values to appearance.2da, heads.2da, and portraits.2da, then add them to the .utc. Oddly, while the .utc is correct and is using the appearance I told it to, in game sometimes the .utc loads with a totally different appearance. My co-modder who is helping me beta dialogue for it has had this character show up as Atton (in Atton's clothes!), Atton in the armor, etc., I gave the character (but apparently his class changed since he learned assassin droid feats on level up, and in turning into Atton, he lost the equipment locks), Bastila, and Carth. For me, he showed up as Bastila once; he's never changed class on me though, and I was able to fix the odd load by reloading the module I have him spawn in. Anyone have any ideas why a correctly made .utc would load crazy like that?

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none of the GFF editors I've used (KGFF, TlkEdit, or the modified BioWare GFF editor would allow me to add text to a CEXLOCSTRING with a -1 StringRef without one. Personal experience here, they're easier to add with KGFF by right clicking the CEXOLOCSTRING then going to Add String, or in TlkEdit, by clicking on the CEXOLOCSTRING, then Edit-->New Node--> then chosing the language/gender in the pop-up box. Haven't figured out how to do it with the other editor.)
Thanks for the KGFF plug ;) Bioware's GFF Editor is a little non-intuitive: You must have -1 in the StringRef, set the Gender to Male, and the LanguageID to 0 and Press Enter while your cursor is in the LanguageID combo box. Then the text field will become active. Warning though in the game, text entered with Bioware's GFF Editor will show CR+LF as little white boxes in the text.
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Bioware's GFF Editor is a little non-intuitive: You must have -1 in the StringRef, set the Gender to Male, and the LanguageID to 0 and Press Enter while your cursor is in the LanguageID combo box.


Geez, I'm pretty certain I would have never figured THAT out! Yikes. And no problem for the plug--K-GFF so far has been by far the easiest GFF editor I've used :) TlkEdit works pretty well when my computer and K-GFF are at odds.


Darth333, glad to hear my bumbling around in the dark had some use besides giving me headaches ;)


Seems my other problem apparently had to do with mod incompatabilities...although it's still a mystery how it happened, at least I know it's not something the game is doing because it's being slippery.

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