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Most admired living person

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

My mom's guru, Dhenishji.


He isn't my guru, though (technically.) I don't answer to humans on matters of spiritual authority... wink.gif

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Guest garyah99

Billy Graham. He's been battling Parkinson's Disease for almost 20 years and still keeps on fighting, and doing what he was called to do. He's in his mid 80's and (I think) just announced his retirement. He's made so much difference to so many people, while enduring his own personal pain and sickness.

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

milky because... i dont know smile.gif ill make this seroius later smile.gif



Official Forum Newbian


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Guest Rogue 9

I would say Billy Graham also, he's one of the few living people whose example you should follow. smile.gif he coming to my city pretty soon biggrin.gif

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After giving it some thought, I think I have to go with the pope (John Paul II, that is). Not too many people know much about him (aside from the fact that he is the pope). He is actually an amazing person, and has had a very interesting life. His faith is an inspiration. He also has some very interesting and brilliant ideas about what you might think of as the "academic" side of theology. When he dies, it will be the whole world's loss.

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My parents. I can't choose just one of them.

My dad because: A) He's a really cool guy and a lot of fun to be around. And B) He's the BEST jazz guitarist I've ever heard (and trust me, I've heard a LOT of 'em)

And my mom, because she sacrificed so much to see that I was raised properly and didn't become a hoodlum.



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Guen. The angry screams coming from her cupboard provide me with much needed amusement. smile.gif


However, anyone who can do a reasonable level of 3D modelling is my GOD.



And what of the Director's Lenses?


The logs show they fled the scene in a shuttle. That is all the information we have sir, there is a high probability that the shuttle was destroyed in the battle.


A shame.....but we'll buy George Lucas another pair of glasses.

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Billy Graham had a pronounced negative impact on how the Christian faith was perceived in my family when I was a child. My parents were on the board of a local Methodist church that was involved in one of his 'gigs' that was in town, and there was some unpleasantness over financial issues. This caused my parents to lose faith, and raise me as an agnostic. Although my father rejoined the church later, and I found faith in Jesus myself, my mother to this day has a strong distrust of christianity (hence the guru I mentioned, who is Hindu.)

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Disclaimer: the preceding was one rabbit's $.02 worth. wink.gif


I would've picked Carl Sagan, except he's dead...and it was disclosed that he was a pothead afterwards.


<font color=red>Free Tibet!</font> Vive la resistance!'

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Guest Dark Sad Shadow

The Horned God...







When the Dark Angel came to see me... He ripped away my soul...

I lost my humanity...

I´m a Shadow in this world of darkness...

I`m chasing my shadow inside my own soul...

I´m the persegutor.


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Someone mistaken me as a Buddhist yesterday.


The teacher told me: "Stop meditating.."


(Yeah, I was daydreaming...)


Then a kid asked me: "Are you a Buddhist?"

Then I said "No."


It was cool! smile.gif


[This message has been edited by JR2000Z (edited May 15, 2001).]

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