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Most admired living person

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

oh who do i admire ummm probably George Lucas as he must be pretty good to make such amazingly good films or how about the - *checks case of the matrix for proper spelling to avoid being told about net dictoranries (sp)* Wachowski brothers?



Official Forum Newbian


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Guest Zoom Rabbit



He had an influence on my childhood, plus brought me candy.

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Originally posted by Dark Sad Shadow:

The Horned God...


His name is Cernunnos. He's Celtic. cool.gif


Unless you were referring to the Horny God. That would be Zeus. wink.gif


Originally posted by JR2000Z:

The teacher told me: "Stop meditating.."

Then a kid asked me: "Are you a Buddhist?"

Then I said "No."


You should have said yes. Then you could accuse your teacher of religious discrimination. biggrin.gif


Hmm. I've just realized, I don't have any living person that I respect a great deal. I don't tend to admire people until they've had the good sense to die.



"Do fish-people eat fish, or would that be like humans eating monkeys?"

"Humans do eat monkeys. In fact humans eat other humans. . . Y'know, as a species, we are really quite unpleasant."

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