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Changing space and Land Battle Pop caps.


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Try making a land unit population value 0.5 or even zero. See what happens. LOL


Then you will understand how much the AI can out build you!


You can also add more units per squad, effectively making more units on the field.


I doubled the infantry for Rebels from 3 groups of five ---> 6 goups of five.


Then double the cost for infantry. Now you will get effectively twice the units into the field to fight for one population cost. ;)

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I got it to work. I can change the population cap on land battle via the above method, but it is a bit sappy. I made the infantry 0.5 points effectively by fooling the code into counting two for one. LOL


Talk about a land slugfest...sure you want to do this? It gets busy real fast on these small maps.


The regular land pop cap only counts in whole integers.

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