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[MOD] EAW: Open Conflict


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I like the enhancements you made to ground combat...this mod is really taking shape.


What do you and the other lads think of the following :


1. Make specialized Storm Troopers buildable. For instance, I know there are already models for Sand Troopers as seen on Tatooine. (Game may auto default to these anyway, so it may be moot)



2. Retexture dismounted Imperial Scouts in black to make them Storm Commandos, with enhanced stats and new abilities such as planting thermal detonators. ( I am not sure if you can give them a new weapon, however, and a pistol would not be appropriate for commando)


3. Make merc units and Wookies buildable for the Rebs.


I think ground combat would certainly benefit from a greater variety of units, and I think most of these changes would be canon (please check me on this, however).


Also, do you think decreasing the speed of ground units would provide an opportunity to employ more tactics. Sometimes it seems as if most ground battles devolve into a "bum rush."

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What kind of specialization do you mean? (regarding point 1.)


Wookies for the rebels sounds nice... what about the mercs, what advantage should they have over normal infantry?


Storm Troopers automatically appear as Sand Troopers on Tatooine, and have their own model. I think there may be Snow Troopers as well. It looks like the game automatically defaults to these models. However, it might ad more depth to the game if they were buildable units and had certain benefits over normal Storm Troopes (i.e. enhanced survival on desert worlds).


Another thought I had regarding strom troopes was to make Imerial Army Troopers the base infantry for the Imperials. They could use the same model as Rebel Troopers, but with grey textures instead of brown. The stats, cost, and possibly building prerequisites of the Storm Troopers could be adjusted to represent their elite status.


On the Rebel side, I noted in some background literature that they used mercenaries from time to time. The pirate infantry model could be used, with enhanced specs and cost...this could be employed, like the Wookies, to counter the revised Storm Troopers as discussed above.


I would be interesting to see a variety of differnet by canon accurate infantry units to give ground battles some much needed depth.

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Storm Troopers automatically appear as Sand Troopers on Tatooine, and have their own model. I think there may be Snow Troopers as well. It looks like the game automatically defaults to these models.

Yes, you do see Snowtroopers on planets such as Hoth.

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Umm... didn't you tell me the Venator has assault missile tubes? In your chart above he doesn't...

No, the chart I just gave you is correct. Speaking of charts, per your request:


  • A-wing: Shields 30, Hull 80, DR 10
  • X-wing: Shields 30, Hull 120, DR 10
  • Y-wing: Shields 50, Hull 120, DR 10
  • Z-95: Shields 30, Hull 120, DR 10
  • TIE: Shields 0, Hull 60, DR 10
  • TIE bomber: Shields 0, Hull 130, DR 10
  • TIE scout: Shields 30, Hull 120, DR 20
  • Millenium Falcon: Shields 90, Hull 180, DR 20
  • Slave I: Shields 90, Hull 150, DR 20
  • Gallofree Medium Transport (rebels): Shields 90, Hull 200, DR 30 (btw, it has one set of lasers worth 4d10x2)
  • Kappa Shuttle (imps): Shields 30, Hull 120, DR 20 (btw, it has 2 sets of blaster cannon worth 4d10x2)
  • Lambda Shuttle (imps): Shields 50, Hull 120, DR 10 (btw, it has 3 sets of blaster cannon worth 5d10x2 [2 front, 1 rear])
  • Tartan: unknown
  • Corellian Corvette: Shields 200, Hull 300, DR 40
  • Corellian Gunship: Shields 230, Hull 460, DR 40
  • Marauder Corvette: Shields 200, Hull 300, DR 40
  • Interdictor: Shields 300, Hull 500, DR 50
  • Nebulon-B: Shields 200, Hull 360, DR 40
  • Acclamator: Shields 240, Hull 320, DR 50
  • Mon Cal MC80: Shields 300, Hull 600, DR 60
  • ISD I: Shields 300, Hull 700, DR 60
  • Victory II: Shields 300, Hull 460, DR 50
  • Victory I: Shields 330, Hull 400, DR 50
  • Broadside missile cruiser: unknown
  • Alliance Assault Frigate (Mark II): Shields 300, Hull 500, DR 60
  • Venator: Shields 330, Hull 530, DR 60

DR = Damage Resistance (amount of damage subtracted before applying to shields and hull). Example: A single laser bolt worth 500 points of damage (must be from a SSD's superlaser) is headed towards a Venator; first 60 points is subtracted, leaving 440 points to impact the shields, which is enough to completely collapse them, with 110 points remaining; 60 points is subtracted which leaves 50 points to damage the hull. Any damage which is insufficient to overcome DR is ignored.

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Wow... that won't work in EAW like that. The Corellian Corvette half the integrity of the MC80 and 2/3rd the shield? Guess I have to figure something out then, especially since there's no damage reduction... ;)


But thanks for your effort in writing all that down!

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DR is the critical component. That's why the shield and hull values are so much lower than you probably expected. Also, "critical" hits bypass shields and go directly into hull. As I mentioned before, EAW is much more abstract than the RPG. EAW simply won't allow you to model some of the things you see happen in the movies (and can also do in the RPG). Good luck with your tweaking!

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@Adonnay and Tal Odo-Ki


I noticed that a few other mods are featuring Assault Shuttles and Fire Sprays as buildable units for space combat. Were Assault Shuttles used in space engagements, and were Fire Sprays mass produced and used in combat such that they should be represented?

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The Firespray was never well-received by the law enforcement agencies it was marketed to, and was only made (by Kuat Systems Engineering) for a few years. However, it was wildly popular with all sorts of scoundrels, who eagerly bought them up.


The Imperial Assault Shuttle is standard on all Star Destroyers and other large capital ships. It can carry 40 troopers and 5 tons of cargo (such as speeder bikes). It mounts 4 turbolasers in turrets (2d10x5), a forward tractor beam, and forward concussion missile launcher (8d10x2). Shields 250, Hull 150, DR 20. (It has greatly overpowered shields, allowing it to fly right into the midst of a capital ship firefight and survive a couple of hits.)

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Well but it's actually designed to deliver troops into or through a hot zone... I doubt that they would be used as combat ships. And since there's no kind of boarding or blockade breaking there's (from my point of view) no need for an assault shuttle.


As for the Firespray... right now I couldn't imagine how to implement it... I can't see it flying around in squadrons and as a standalone ship it seems a little small. Any ideas?


And concerning the ground troop revamp... I'm still balancing the space battles according to the new data Tal generously provided (which takes more time than expected) so bare with me... I'll come to that as soon as I'm somewhat content with the space battles (so that they're at least playable again ;) ).

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I agree with you regarding the Assault Shuttles. Unless they are implemented as something you might see land on a planet in EAW there's no need for them. They are not used by the Empire as warships for space battles.


Firesprays are uncommon enough that they shouldn't be included, IMO.


There are plenty of other ship types that I would like to see added to the game (such as Skipray boats), but until we get new models that won't be happening anytime soon.



PS - the IPV has 4 light turbolasers (4d10x5 ea.), Shields 250, Hull 330, DR 40, and is 120m long.

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First off let me say I really like this mod, and I'm looking forward to more future releases. Ok I recently played the Galactic Conflict on the Rebellion side using 006c. Here are some of my thoughts about the mod (You said you wanted testers).


I liked the unit scale, the tartan ships suprised me though, didn't realize they were so big.

Since the tartan ships are now alot bigger shouldn't they have to fly around asteriod fields, instead of traveling through them without taking damage??


To me Space stations seem pitifully weak. Their hardpoints strength is fine, but their shields and armament seem too weak. Plus they only put out about four fighters. Shouldn't Space stations be able to garrison a fairly large complement of fighters each increasing as the station level goes up?

The shields only seem to last for about 30 seconds then down they go. This is against 3 victory class ships. Against more ships or bigger ships the shields go down lots quicker.

As for armaments a level 1 & 2 station are hard pressed to take out a tartan before it gets destroyed.

Level 3 stations were able to take out a single victory class ship before its desctruction.

Level 4 stations seem to put up a much better fight, I took out a victory, an acclamator, a tartan and almost got another victory.

Didn't get to see what a level 5 station could do.

None of the stations were able to even knock down Peit's ISD Shields (thought a level 4 got close).

I think stations should be ALOT more powerful as they represent the entire planets space defenses.


I think the unit prices are more realistic, but now I have to question the credit amount planets produce, it seems low. For example, I had some 15 to 16 planets and only producing around 1400 credits a day, I tended to play in fast forward mode alot. Didn't have alot of capital ships or level 4 space stations. I don't know maybe increasing the planets credit output defeats the purpose of raising the prices.


The unit cap is great for space battles, but I don't think you increased the overall cap that planets and space stations produce, cause I couldn't build much, barely had anything and was maxed out all the time. Actually you start the game out about 40 points (I could be wrong on the number but I know it was over the cap) over the cap.

Not sure how you did the math to figure the points out but it needs to be applied to the planets and stations.


I don't recall seeing any plex soilders among the rebel infantry.


Wow AT-ST are strong, I like it, but its very hard to take a planet when the empire has 3 light factories and about4-5 AT-ST units on it. Perhaps adding more individual soilders to the rebel soilders (or increasing their damage again), AT-ST go through them like slicing warm butter. Like I said I like it, but the rebels need something to counter it. It is very very difficult to take an Empire controlled planet before tech level 3, without sacraficing lots and lots of troops.


Didn't encounter any AT-ATs. I have a question will the AI sell buildings to build something else, if all the build spots are taken and it has duplicate buildings on a given planet?


Heavy Factoires didn't produce a single garrison unit.


My barracks really didn't produce more infantry after the initial garrison was defeated, maybe only got 1 -2 units. Is this normal, not sure cause this was the first game I ever lost a planet.


I noticed that the build points (for a ground battle) reset after a defeat and then coming back immedatley with more troops. Don't know if this a bug with the game or a change, but in my previous games they remained.


My thoughts on superweapons. I really don't think they should be toned done, perhaps make them more expanisve to buy, but by making them weaker, kinda defeats the purpose of planetary weapons. Though perhaps they should have their range decrease. For example you can't fire on ships across the entire map, perhaps only within the mass showdow of the space station, since the weapon can't be on the correct side of the planet all the time. Perhaps if they build 2 or more than they shoot across the entire map.


I wouldn't mind seeing the Carrack Cruiser included in the mod (not that the empire needs it, just a really cool ship). Perhaps MistenTH would be kind enought to let us borrow his...


Keep up the great work.


Edited for grammer & spelling.

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The space stations in EAW are pathetically weak (compared to their RPG counterparts). A L2 station should be a match for a Mon Cal and a L3 should be more than a match for an ISD. (You can imagine how powerful a L4 or L5 station might be.)


As for you not having enough income with 15-16 planets, you aren't building enough mines and probably building way too many military (defensive) structures. If you are attacking, constantly, as you should be doing, then the enemy will be put off-balance. Your "front line" will be steadily advancing and thus making your "interior" worlds safe from attack. Just put modest garrisons on your frontline planets as well as a few frigates or cruisers in orbit to supplement the stations. And then keep moving them forward to defend the new worlds you conquer. After I have built one of each factory at the appropriate worlds, I only build mines on all slots at all worlds, except for one ion cannon (as the Rebels) at each of the four SD-producing planets. I find that if you aren't losing units in battle all the time then you don't need more than 1-2 of any particular type of factory in your entire "empire". A single factory should be able to keep up with your needs for what it produces. (ie: I only have one light and one heavy factory in my entire empire, one Academy, etc.)

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I really like this mod, but i have serious trouble with that piett guy(playing as rebellion). One of his turret hardpoints seems undestroyable, it always stays at 100%. Sometimes it works out cause he flees, but just now i lost the home one and another mon cal against him :(. He draws fire on him thats wasted, didnt notice it until it was to late. This happens using the newest version 6c and in galactic conquest mode.


Hope you can fix that cause apart from this your mod is really great, oh and can you beef up the venator a bit? It has imho a really cool design and id like to use it but it even gets killed by an acclamator ... I think the hp are the problem, his shields where down in like 10 seconds, each hardpoint then died pretty fast too. To put this in perspective a mon cal and this venator fought a acclamator and the venator was killed as the acclamator lost his shields. I know its a old design, but maybe its sufficent to reflect that in firepower not in toughness.


P.S. On the other hand that might have been piett again, not sure. I really like your capital ships btw, but ships like the victory sd or venator feel a tad to weak now, if you compare them to lower sized ships. Just killed a victory with tartan support only using two nebulons, going by size that feels a bit wrong.

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Thanks for your detailed feedback, that's what I need since I can't really test all in the way it should be tested. Right now I just do space skirmish battles to work out the balance of space battles... so let me answer some of your points.


I liked the unit scale, the tartan ships suprised me though, didn't realize they were so big.

Since the tartan ships are now alot bigger shouldn't they have to fly around asteriod fields, instead of traveling through them without taking damage??

Good point... not sure how it is done but I'll look into it (probably has to do with the ship class).


To me Space stations seem pitifully weak. Their hardpoints strength is fine, but their shields and armament seem too weak. Plus they only put out about four fighters. Shouldn't Space stations be able to garrison a fairly large complement of fighters each increasing as the station level goes up?

The shields only seem to last for about 30 seconds then down they go. This is against 3 victory class ships. Against more ships or bigger ships the shields go down lots quicker.

As for armaments a level 1 & 2 station are hard pressed to take out a tartan before it gets destroyed.

Level 3 stations were able to take out a single victory class ship before its desctruction.

Level 4 stations seem to put up a much better fight, I took out a victory, an acclamator, a tartan and almost got another victory.

Didn't get to see what a level 5 station could do.

None of the stations were able to even knock down Peit's ISD Shields (thought a level 4 got close).

I think stations should be ALOT more powerful as they represent the entire planets space defenses.

Did you test that in skirmish or GC. In GC the stations do get larger (more) garrison units. In skirmish they do not (and did never, that's not my doing ;) ). I suppose it's because you can actually build space units during combat... which is not possible in a GC space battle.


Other than that I just tweaked the space stations hardpoints to do up to twice the damage they did before (also doubled their health). The shields have been increased in the release you tested already. The shields are very powerful already... you shouldn't underestimate the firepower of a VSD because it only has two Turbolaser hardpoints. I adjusted their damage to reflect the much greater firepower this ship actually has. But I'll keep that in mind... I'll probably raise the shields even more, but then you will have serious problems taking planets with a level 5 space station ;) I'd say we first test how much the damage and health increase helped.


I think the unit prices are more realistic, but now I have to question the credit amount planets produce, it seems low. For example, I had some 15 to 16 planets and only producing around 1400 credits a day, I tended to play in fast forward mode alot. Didn't have alot of capital ships or level 4 space stations. I don't know maybe increasing the planets credit output defeats the purpose of raising the prices.

Yes... this was intended to reduce the time needed to build such a spacefortress like an ISD or Liberty. You're supposed to fight a long time with smaller vessels like the Nebulon B or Acclamator (which now has been moved to tech 1 for balance reasons btw). So when you encounter an ISD you'll say "Crap... how the heck did he get that!". Ajustments can still be made though... as in raising the output of mines i.e.


The unit cap is great for space battles, but I don't think you increased the overall cap that planets and space stations produce, cause I couldn't build much, barely had anything and was maxed out all the time. Actually you start the game out about 40 points (I could be wrong on the number but I know it was over the cap) over the cap.

Not sure how you did the math to figure the points out but it needs to be applied to the planets and stations.

I haven't touched the GC caps yet... they will be raised too. Not sure how much though. I want the player to strategically deploy their fleets and not build enough fleets to cover all their planets. This way you (and the AI) will have to keep planets unprotected...


I don't recall seeing any plex soilders among the rebel infantry.


Wow AT-ST are strong, I like it, but its very hard to take a planet when the empire has 3 light factories and about4-5 AT-ST units on it. Perhaps adding more individual soilders to the rebel soilders (or increasing their damage again), AT-ST go through them like slicing warm butter. Like I said I like it, but the rebels need something to counter it. It is very very difficult to take an Empire controlled planet before tech level 3, without sacraficing lots and lots of troops.

Did you try deploying infiltrators with their bombs?

PLEX soldiers should be there... they should actually be one PLEX in every soldier squad... if I haven't messed that up that is ;)


Didn't encounter any AT-ATs. I have a question will the AI sell buildings to build something else, if all the build spots are taken and it has duplicate buildings on a given planet?

Don't think so... that's hardcoded I suppose.


Heavy Factoires didn't produce a single garrison unit.

Which side? Rebel or Empire?


My barracks really didn't produce more infantry after the initial garrison was defeated, maybe only got 1 -2 units. Is this normal, not sure cause this was the first game I ever lost a planet.

Again, which side? Vehicles do not spawn endlessly anymore and it takes alot longer for them to spawn. Troops should however always spawn (slower too though).


I noticed that the build points (for a ground battle) reset after a defeat and then coming back immedatley with more troops. Don't know if this a bug with the game or a change, but in my previous games they remained.

I certainly didn't change anything there... don't think I even can. It's probably a bug...


My thoughts on superweapons. I really don't think they should be toned done, perhaps make them more expanisve to buy, but by making them weaker, kinda defeats the purpose of planetary weapons. Though perhaps they should have their range decrease. For example you can't fire on ships across the entire map, perhaps only within the mass showdow of the space station, since the weapon can't be on the correct side of the planet all the time. Perhaps if they build 2 or more than they shoot across the entire map.

I just doubled the damage of the HV gun... the Ion cannon recharge has been toned down though (not the damage, it still can disable every ship no matter what size).


I wouldn't mind seeing the Carrack Cruiser included in the mod (not that the empire needs it, just a really cool ship). Perhaps MistenTH would be kind enought to let us borrow his...

I suppose it's a modified Tartan or something? Since there's no model for it in the game yet... and I hate to reuse models since it's hard to distinguish between the two then.



I'm getting the feeling the whole mod is growing a little over my head (probably german saying only *g*).

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I really like this mod, but i have serious trouble with that piett guy(playing as rebellion). One of his turret hardpoints seems undestroyable, it always stays at 100%. Sometimes it works out cause he flees, but just now i lost the home one and another mon cal against him :(. He draws fire on him thats wasted, didnt notice it until it was to late. This happens using the newest version 6c and in galactic conquest mode.


Hope you can fix that cause apart from this your mod is really great, oh and can you beef up the venator a bit? It has imho a really cool design and id like to use it but it even gets killed by an acclamator ... I think the hp are the problem, his shields where down in like 10 seconds, each hardpoint then died pretty fast too. To put this in perspective a mon cal and this venator fought a acclamator and the venator was killed as the acclamator lost his shields. I know its a old design, but maybe its sufficent to reflect that in firepower not in toughness.


P.S. On the other hand that might have been piett again, not sure. I really like your capital ships btw, but ships like the victory sd or venator feel a tad to weak now, if you compare them to lower sized ships. Just killed a victory with tartan support only using two nebulons, going by size that feels a bit wrong.


Are you sure it was Piett? Cause I replaced him with Tarkin and put Piett in an Acclamator named the Judicator.


EDIT: okay, found the problem already - fixed. Thank you!



I'll see what I can do about the Venator since I tweaked the damage output according to the lore data Tal provided... so there's not much I can do. I can however raise its shield points and/or hard point health.


EDIT2: Inceased both... it should now be a better match for the Acclamator.



And that you killed a VSD with two nebulons seems really weird... the VSD can actually shred through the Nebulons in less than 20 seconds. I'll test that too :)


EDIT3: Found out that the shield of the Victory was a bit weak.

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If it was my mod I'd be tempted to remove Piett from the game and give Vader the ISD Accuser. The only problem with it is that in the SP campaign having an ISD (the new, powerful, modded ones that is) at the very beginning as the Empire is horribly unbalancing, so there's no way to add that touch of "realism" without completely screwing up the game. So Vader is consigned to being stuck with a crappy fighter while other heroes get ships which are useful in space combat. Guess it sort of balances out since Vader is awesome on the ground.


PS - the Venator should be able to chew up and spit out an Acclamator without too much trouble. It has almost twice the hull and about 50% stronger shields (not to mention the 20% better DR that you cannot model). And it carries an enormous number of fighters (triple that of an ISD). Against all that the Acclamator's only edge is that its missiles do 2.5x the damage of the Venator's own missiles. Hardly makes up for the HUGE number of fighters and the sheer toughness of the Venator.

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Indeed... this is the reason why I gave Piett "only" an Acclamator and moved Tarkin with his ISD further back in the tech-line. Besides... I don't really see Vader as a space commander... he's the right hand of the Sith Lord and things as space battles are not really interesting or important enough for him... he has more importand matters that require his attention. ;)


@Meethos: I think I found the reason why you thought the units wouldn't respawn. The timers were set quite high, obiously too high for the ground battles.

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Hehe maybe i should have mentioned that i just kept in its back where it has no weapons :twogun:. Nebulons are pretty fast, but my point was it felt wrong that they could even break its shields, especially that fast. Just noticed you raised the acclamators cost, guess they are fine considering theire new price.


Im not much of a lore person, but i somehow have the feeling the venator should be superior to the acclamator. Ill take the liberty to cite the english wikipedia:


Also known as "Republic Attack Cruisers," Venator-class Star Destroyers were the successors of the successful tradition of the Acclamator-class assault transports and the Victory-class Star Destroyers. While the Acclamator was primarily an armed troop transport and the Victory was a jack-of-all-trades, the Venator was primarily a starfighter carrier/destroyer.


This not only implies that it is a newer model than both the victory and acclamator but also more combat focused. There is also more in the article you can find under


Now i know wikipedia isnt always very correct or accurate, but unless they are completly wrong the venator should be comparable to the victory atleast, not inferior to the acclamator.


Please correct me if im wrong but i really like this ship like i said.

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@rocketeer: The Venator is actually superior to a Victory, according to canon publications. As I said in my post a few minutes ago, a Venator should be able to chew up an Acclamator almost as easily as an Acclamator can chew up a Nebulon-B. ;)


@Adonnay: You might want to know that Home One, as an unique and very special vessel, was roughly 3,800m long (more than double the length of an ISD). You can check out the research at http://www.theforce.net/SWTC/mcc.html#corvette

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Personally i think the venator should be a the main carrier of the rebellion(its the only ship we have a model for ingame that qualifies as a carrier for the rebellion), the mon cals dont really make much sense as far as carriers go. Perhaps give them only a small escort wing like 2 x-wing squadrons, and maybe a additional a-wing squadron for the liberty class. But if you want real fighter support you would have to use the venator carrier, who could sport a higher number of squadrons and also bombers.


It would also make sense lorewise that the rebellion uses carriers, cause while their ships are jumpdrive enabled they are not really suited for longer jumps(several days in that small cockpit?). And they would need to refuel and get new torps and small repairs anyway if operating in hostile space.


@tal: Thx thats what i wanted to hear, i saw that ship for the first time in this mod, and its my faviorite ship now.


@adonnay: If you make the venator some kind of carrier(he also can carry newer ships btw, no reason a old ship design would launch old fighters), could you please enable bombing runs for it? Like the imperial capital ships do. This would give the venator a real purpose. About the balancing, we could just up the cost accordingly. It should maybe cost 20% more than a victory(if it gets comparable), to reflect the cost of the additional fighters it carries.

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FWIW, I agree with rocketeer regarding the Venators. They served the role of carriers even more than they did as battlecruisers (and, at the time, they were second-to-none as battlecruisers). They were truly remarkable and flexible ships. And they LAND on planets!!! They may be severely outgunned by the (much newer) ISDs, but they are more than a match for anything else.

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I think a easy fix would be to replace the ion cannons with enhanced turbolasers. Maybe also the laser cannons, cause if im not totally off they are defense against smaller ships, which a carrier has less use for since he has his fighters. Just following what i read and according to my gutfeeling, the venator should have massive shields and hull, yet lack firepower compared to capital ships. But ONLY compared to capital ships :p. He should also have good offense against corvettes/tartans and frigates so he can offer protection against those for his fighters(do enhanced turbolasers qulify for that?).


Now i have no idea where 4 enhanced turbolasers would place this ship in the foodchain, but the current setup of 33% ion cannons 33% laser cannons 33% turbolasers, just feels weird. I think 2/3rd of its armament should be heavy turbolasers, that way we can add a second weapon type in the remaining 2 hardpoints.


Now according to wikipedia again:

8 heavy turbolaser turrets, 2 medium dual turbolaser cannons, 52 point-defense laser cannons, 4 heavy proton torpedo tubes

it would need 2 normal turbolasers in the last hardpoints, and that cool point defense system of yours that i already saw on some other ship.


P.S. Yep i left out the proton torpedo launchers, but many ships that should have them are lacking launchers, lets call it a compromise until we can add new hardpoints to ships :p.


P.P.S I noticed that the missiles of a lvl 3 empire station in skirmish are still shieldpiercing, is that intended?

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