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Massive Legacy of War Update - Final Day


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Day 4. Yoda on Saturday.


Today is Friday, Day 4. I will show the rest of the models today and tomorrow, Saturday I will show Yoda, who is not yet textured. I guess I'll start out with a bit more about how the mod will play. Currently there are many ships in Empire at War who are just mirrors of each other. Corellian Corvettes and Tartans are an example of this. Legacy of War is going to change this so ships are closer to their roles in the Star Wars universe and giving them the abilities they would have. For example giving Mon Calamari cruisers multiple shield generators and in general making all capital ships stronger.


Onto the renders though. Today we have the Dominator Interdictor, Dodonna Class Assault Frigate, the Assault Frigate(I'll explain the difference soon), the Sovereign Class Super Star Destroyer, the Preybird and finally one Action IV Transport belonging to a man by the name of Talon Karrde.


Dominatorthumb.jpg AssaultFrigatethumb.jpg AssaultFrigateV1thumb.jpg


Sovereignthumb.jpg Preybirdthumb.jpg ActionIVthumb.jpg


All of the above models were done by Eldor. Now I promised a reason for the two Assault Frigates. First of all the Dodonna class was primarliy used early on and was not as heavily modified as the later version. They still retained most of the superstructure and it could not maneuver as well. They packed alot of firepower though. The later version was much faster and maneuvered better but it retained the armament its predecessor had. If you're worried about having two of the same ship, don't worry. As your tech increases you will automatically be given the next version once you can build Assault Frigates. It will happen automatically so you will never see the two versions side by side on the command bar when you go to build them.


Now I've shown Talon Karrde's ship, so what does that mean? It means that when this ship shows up in Campaign you better dig in. It also means that Karrde may be generous enough to give you information on Imperial movements provided you pay a bit of money.


Now I've shown all of the models except three. They are Yoda, the Viscount Mon Calamari Cruiser, and the newly retextured Executor Super Star Destroyer. Look for all three tomorrow. Enjoy =)

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Day 5 and we're done.


Sorry for being late, I don't have some of the tools at home that I have at work, but the final renders are in and ready to be shown. Before I get to them though I made a mistake yesterday with the Action IV. Its actually supposed to be an Action VI so my apologieson that. But we want to get to the final three renders. So lets get to them.


Yodathumb.jpg Viscountthumb.jpg


First of all we have the little green man who showed us, size matters not and indeed it doesn't. Yoda will train Luke when you send him to Dagaboh. Although you will not have the opportunity in Campaign to control him, well...whats to stop you from using him in Galactic Conquest or Skirmish? Certainly not us. =). The next ship is for the Galactic Alliance. It has the firepower to stand up to a Super Star Destroyer. And finally we get to THE ships everyone has been waiting for, the newly retextured Super Star Destroyer Executor:




In the next Update, ground vehicles are the name of the game along with more textured models. We are currently looking for a few expert mappers and skinners to help out. The Map Editor hasn't been released yet but I'm told it should be released soon. We are also looking for someone who knows Flash and can design a website. You can PM me on the forum if you would like to help out.

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So basically all your doing is creating models in 3d, and telling everyone that its for EAW, have you actually put anything to test yet, or have a video of something we can see your models in action with current ships etc?

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