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Schools Out!!!!

Guest Jabba The Hunt

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

YEAH SCHOOL IS OVER FOR THE NEXT THREE MONTHS!!! well for me and my friends anyway as we are now in exam leave ok so we have about 1 1/2 months of exams but we dont have to go through a whole day of school until the 5th of september!!! (anyone in country that doesnt take GCSE's we are doing what ever exam you would do before college (11 years of school)) anyway im really happy and relax and im enjoying myself waiting for coffeebean and his homosexual brother (this isnt a joke he really is im not taking the piss out of him or being homophobic as i know you americans are quite sensitive about that sort of stuff as i found out when i called milky gay smile.gif)


anyway i would just like to say a great big thank you to all these people for being one my friend having numberous agurements with me about nothing and genearly being total ****s (again im only joking they know what i mean - who and milky you were really missed today at school)


1. Milkshake - probably my best friend at the moment although when he starts crying because someone stole on of his chips off his plate i can be a bit anoying that i always have to sort it out - there are 2 things i would like to say to you 1. Thanx for all those Cola Refresher bars that made my twice the man i would be otherwise (the more intelligent of you here will get this or the ones that have seen me) 2. ITS NOT YOUR PHONE!!!


2. Coffeebean - ok you've been a bit of a **** in the past but at the moment your a good friend - ummm cant think of anything in partiular to say to you except - hurry up and get round here with the alchol smile.gif


3. Duke - yes i know hes the biggest **** of them all but we have got each other through every french and history class we have had its been a lot of hours to have to put up with you but you are much better than Grimley smile.gif


4. janek - ok we are not really great friends but we talk in form base and your a nice guy just a bit stupid at times and have an ego the that could easily match my FAT so i cant really hold that against you smile.gif


5 anyone else that milky brought here - thanx alot for some great memories and hope you do well in whatever you do in life



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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What about your fav clone Jedi and his evil Borg clone?


Hehehehe! Stupid borg. You won't assimilate me! You couldn't assimilate a-what the?




I am Deacutus of Borg. Resistance is futile.


[Assimilation: May not have happened.]


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Guest Coffeebean_uk

The realy good thing is The Duke is going to Barnfield College. Which means you can unblock Harlington Upper now!!



No friend have I like thee to trust,

For mortal helps are brittle dust.

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

JR2000Z - Who are you? smile.gif (actually i cant remember who you are what name do you go by at school)



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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Guest Jabba The Hunt

wait are you even from my school with a post count that size i doubt it - this thread was meant to say thankyou to the people who have help get me through 11 years of school - y should i say thank you to you???



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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Guest Jabba The Hunt

i dont beat milky up.... much



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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Well if you don't wanna thank us for being here, then that's FINE! C'mon Deacutus, we know when we aren't wanted!



Hehehehe! Stupid borg. You won't assimilate me! You couldn't assimilate a-what the?




I am Deacutus of Borg. Resistance is futile.


[Assimilation: May not have happened.]


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Guest Jabba The Hunt

i was saying thank you to all my school friends everyone else can go away!!!



iM. diSleXIc. sO. pLeaSE. tRanSlaTe. AnY oF tHe mmistypes/SpElLinGs


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Time to teach Jabba a lesson on forum etiquette


Lesson 1 Thanking people.


Don't post on the forums, thanking people when you can thank them in person. Saves people the time of hijacking useless threads.


When those that you do not thank hijack your thread it is rude to get angry. Considering you felt the need not to thank them.


Lesson 2. Useless Threads.


These become bothersome, and unwanted. By doing so you forever get the name of Newbian. To avoid this, make less new threads, or give an actual topic for discussion.


A Newbian is one, that should have been no longer considered a nebwie but has shown himself and/or herself to be one cannot figure out what is accepted on the forums.


Lesson 3 The party.


This is an important part of a forum. A sign of passage. The first party should be held when the poster reaches his "600" post. In a party all members of the forum should be thanked. Drinks should be given out and the bill given to Niner. This will make the other members happy, and welcome you. This is a social event, not to formal. Have fun, but always be modest.


Lesson 4. Hijacking Threads.


Once you are no longer a newbie, the privalage of hijacking a thread is down. To do so, you post something that is competle off topic and will provide discussion. If people take up your topic you were sucessful.


A newbian should not attempt this as the result usually lead to bashing.


Lesson 5. Behavior.


Never put someone down. This is frowned upon. However if the put down is a joke, but sure it is absurd enough so were everyone will understand. Do not do this against the elder members though (certain situation will negate this). Other members will usually be angry at you when you do this.


Above all never spam, this will lead you from baning. If you notice that your topics appear to be just a bashing place stop making topics. (Big one for you Jabba).


Don't try to change the forum, people like it the way it is unless you see tons of complaing (this doesn't happen). If you find this place boring, go somewhere else.


Lesson 6. Reading


Read the threads before posting, you will now what is going on then. Above all read the "Newbie Handbook" it will guide you well.


For now that is the end, but more will come if you don't follow these lessons. Have a good night. biggrin.gif



"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt:

3. Duke - yes i know hes the biggest **** of them all but we have got each other through every french and history class we have had its been a lot of hours to have to put up with you but you are much better than Grimley


You thanked Duke on these forums, and no one has yet to kill you. Takes a mace and hits Jabba over the head. You should know better.




"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb


[This message has been edited by Admiral (edited May 13, 2001).]

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