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some questions about the editor


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Hello, i started learning zero editor and i have a question about including vehicles in my map.

I followed the "getting started" tutorial, but i am stuck where i want to insert a vehicle.

The vehicle doesnt appear ingame...

So, do i need to include thevehicle.odf and ALL the files that are written in the odf ? because theres a LOT of files to add then...


Is every vehicle already included in the installed game? and i only need to include the name of the vehicle here? :























I am a bit confused and i don't know if i am clear enough.


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I don't think the tutorials were very good at all...

I'm also confused on things like that which the tutorials left out/ did not address clearly.

I think it was okay but myskill with tutorials is ...........well, let's not go there
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This part here is important;




the yavin map for clones must have those vehicles in it., check it's ula for the particular game type you need. i.e. for a conquest game in yavin during the Clone era it is "yav1c_con.lua". ... found in:DRIVE_LETTER:\BF2_ModTools\assets\scripts\YAV


Compare that section to your own make sure they match.

Also you do need to place a 'vechicle spawn' in the map and assign it's properties

Vehical spawn" found in;



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