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Why the WZ was destroyed in EW.

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It wasn't Altron, the Shenlong Upgrade Custom is called Nataku.


I assumed the damage was from the hard impact that WZ made on the ocean. The much larger wings made the impact have much more shock to it than when Wing fell into the ocean and wasn't damaged.

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Guest Rune Haako

If you notice, Wufei calss the Shenlong "Nataku" frequently. In fact, I can't recall one instance when Wufei says "Shenlong." I'm pretty sure it's called the Altron Custom (or something similar).



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Originally posted by Nute Gunray:

It wasn't Altron, the Shenlong Upgrade Custom is called Nataku.


I assumed the damage was from the hard impact that WZ made on the ocean. The much larger wings made the impact have much more shock to it than when Wing fell into the ocean and wasn't damaged.



I saw the same spark before he plunged into the water.I just can't find a pic.





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I think the blue stuff in that pic is just "rocket flame", like the blue stuff that comes out of the engines of any spacegoing MS(Although the WZ did get slashed across the waist before it crashed in the ocean. And before that, it got its shoulder damaged and it eventualy popped off when it entered the atmosphere)



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Originally posted by JR2000Z:

Wing Zero doesnt run on vernea(sp?) engines so it cant be the rocket fuel.

Then how does it fly?


And those blue things can't be sparks; Wufei hit him in the front, but the blue things are coming from the back(right exactly where the engines are)




Was I supposed to eat the heads too? 'Cause I took nooo prisioners!


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Official forum Psychic


[This message has been edited by Taarkin (edited May 16, 2001).]

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The official codenames:


Shenlong -> Altron -> Altron Custom


Wufei, however, named his Gundam Nataku (He refered to Altron as "the new Nataku"). I'm not sure, but I think Nataku means something in Chinese; thus his choice.


And the real reason WZ was destroyed was because it was damaged when Heero once again demonstrated his utter inability to land without going ker-sploosh. rolleyes.gif



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"Humans do eat monkeys. In fact humans eat other humans. . . Y'know, as a species, we are really quite unpleasant."

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I had a debate with members of an anime message board on the cause of WZ's demise in EW. We came to the conclusion that due to the intense battle that Heero had with Wufei in space, then reentry, then atmospheric battle was a bit too much for WZ to take. The reason why Wufei was able to best Heero was because he had more of a reason to fight and Heero didn't have the Zero System engaged.


Notice that every time (except for the first) that Heero fired the TBR, WZ disintegrated more and more. This was due to the fact that the TBR's recoil was so powerful it must've overloaded WZ's damaged circuitry, causing the MS to fall apart.


Then you have to consider the symbolic purpose of WZ's demise. It is the end of the Gundams effectively. They were created to attain peace, but they did so through violent ways. So it is poignant that Zero be destroyed so violently when peace is finally attained.


A few clarifications are in order. The Gundams in EW are the same MS from the series. According to EW, they always looked like that. So therefore Wufei's Gundam would still be called Altron and it is. No Custom moniker. That was placed on the boxes by Bandai to differentiate between the TV series kits and the EW versions. Don't put so much trust in those model kits.


Secondly, verniers are used for manuevering, not propulsion. But since in EW, WZ "flaps" its wings in space, I suppose that it did uses them for some sort of propulsion power. But I still think that the main propulsion comes from the backpack unit.


A point to ponder: where the hell did WZ's TBR come from. It wasn't there when Heero retrieved it in space and it was still missing when he was fighting Wufei, then it mysteriously shows up when he's over Brussels. What gives?



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Thats gotta be the most colorful pic of SPAM that Ive seen.


Anyway, WZ dosnt have vernei or any kind of engines because it relies on its wings to move it. Vernei is only present in the Talgeese series and the old WZ model.

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Originally posted by Rogue Nine:

A few clarifications are in order. The Gundams in EW are the same MS from the series. According to EW, they always looked like that. So therefore Wufei's Gundam would still be called Altron and it is. No Custom moniker. That was placed on the boxes by Bandai to differentiate between the TV series kits and the EW versions. Don't put so much trust in those model kits.


Actually, that supports the names on the models. You need to be able to tell them apart in conversation and since they're all the 'same' then they're ALL essentially Shenlong (in the case of Wufei's gundam). Saying Shenlong references the original, Altron means Shenlong with another dragon and different colors and Nataku means the EW one (as Nataku is shorter to say than Altron Custom).


I actually refuse to believe that the Customs ever existed (if you remember my post months ago about how I believe the EW Gundams' differences are based on embellishments by the storyteller). If, for example, the Deathscythe Hell that fought against Libra was the EW D-Hell, there'd be things that happened differently because the EW D-Hell doesn't have a buster shield OR the rib jammers for the Gundam scientists to hold onto. And Heavyarms custom has twice as much weaponry. THAT would make for some parts of the war to have been very different. Plus Heavyarms custom seems to have the abilities of a ballerina on muscle relaxers. HOW THE HELL DID IT DO THAT JUMP AND SPIN THING THAT TROWA DOES? IT'S A GIANT ROBOT...

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Guest Rune Haako

i think it has something to do with Trowa's acrobatic skills, even though the slow-ass Heavyarms could never do anything like that.

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Originally posted by JR2000Z:

Anyway, WZ dosnt have vernei or any kind of engines because it relies on its wings to move it. Vernei is only present in the Talgeese series and the old WZ model.


All the Gundams had verniers. 'Sides, you can't make a 40something foot tall robot fly by flapping wings(and certainly not in space!)





Was I supposed to eat the heads too? 'Cause I took nooo prisioners!


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Originally posted by Rogue Nine:

Shaddup you face, Gl. Just 'cause you don't get it doesnt mean you have to be mean. tongue.gif


Point is, they don't broadcast that Gundam Wing stuff over here. And since you all are paying so much attention to it, it's gotta be really cool I suppose, so I guess I'm just frustrated. (as usual) wink.giftongue.gif

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