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Atton romance option for KoToR2


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Instead of that annoying Deciplie that they force on to you.


Am I missing something? Atton *is* a possabile romance option for female PC's as well as Deciplie. Though I found enther to be worth the effort. Atton is to creepy and poor Deciplie has you on a pederstil. Still it really dedpends on how often you talk to them and how much infulace you have with them by the end of the game when the game makes up its mind as to which was your love interest. Even if you could call it that..........


No wonder we're crying out for a decent romance mod for TSL. And don't get me started on the influance systeam :D

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Seems like they leave that option out with the over whelming horde or push off dialog options they have for you.

Actually Atton fell head over heels for my female Exile without me really trying anything. So yeah I don't know why you cant get him to like you but try it anyway and see what happens.

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Well then the dialogs are rather very misleading about it. Most of them sound like you want to push him off or tell him to F--- off, or change the topic. Almost none are straight forward about it, don't sound like a push off, not changing the topic, and not a complete f--- off.


What if you want to not change the topic and like him staring at your chest?? Theres almost no options like that.

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I think the point in the game is it's unrequited love, so if you have lots of influence with him he secretly harbours a flame for you but won't tell anyone, Mira kinda suspects and you do the same not really admitting it to anyone else.


It would be nice to have some better dialogue options so he would actually say it like Carth does at the end although less whiny ;)

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