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The Last Dynasty


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Natiss come back to the light. You are strong, brave and loyal, the message from Miklos came. He believed that anyone could be redeemed. They made it to one of teh higher levels where the Jedi and the Bushida were waiting. Miklos sat on a small rise, tired and weak. The bird drained him quite a bit but he felt strange; that something happened but couldn't place it.

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Fine then, I will destroy all of you! Ja' Mahia sent another message to Ja' Mahia and then rand through the shield, sliceing away at the sith soldiers. "You thought that you can beat me by grenades?" Ja' Mahia asked as he pummeled about 6 soldiers to the ground, his eyes turning redder and redder, a dark shade of grey consuming his flesh. Ja' Mahia angrily threw his lightsaber across the crowd of sith and killed some more. When the saber came back, there was gunfire from up above.


The ships in the air were attacking and Ja' Mahia looked to the head one with one of his blood red eyes. He lifted a dark finger (remember his original hand was cut off) and the ship imploded and burning pieces shot out all around. Ja' Mahia saw Krellis and charged in at him with a terrible might. With a clash of sabers, this was going to be a huge battle. The two lightsabers collided, one struck, the other defended. Ja' Mahia jumped over Krellis and sliced at him while Krellis blocked it with a vertical block.


Meanwhile the ships in the air started dropping bombs in the area. Suddenly, many sith started running towards the shielded area of the building but when the first few touched it, they disintigrated. Krellis had been watching all this and turned back to Ja' Mahia who was smiling. Krellis angrily spun his lightsaber and chopped away at Ja' Mahia, though Ja' Mahia was blocking every strike.




Ja' Mahia jumped out of the way as a powerful bomb dropped right beside him.




Krellis rolled away dodging a series of lighter bombs. He got off the ground and turned to Ja' Mahia. The two stared at eachother, the endless hail of explosives continuing. Krellis once again charged in and struck Ja' Mahia's lightsaber. Ja' Mahia force pushed back as Krellis jumped over the force push and struck Ja' Mahia from behind. But Ja' Mahia turned around just in time to block it and also deliver a force storm.


The electricity shot down and made the battle seem more intense, and Ja' Mahia angrily swung his lightsaber in the direction of Krellis, who was constanltly holding back the lightning with his saber. Krellis jumped back, still holding his saber up.


"Give it up!" Ja' Mahia shouted again and swung right and left, pushing Krellis back. "Your evil ends now!" Ja' Mahia growled and sent a powerful force fire tornado, similar to the one seen in a battle at a fight pit much earlier. The burning, spinning pillar of flames headed towards Krellis as he sliced it with his saber and it disapeered.


"Nice illusions." Krellis said. "But they won't stop me." AT that Krellis sent a real fire tornado at Ja' Mahia who force pushed it back. Krellis did the same. Each time the tornado was pushed back and forth though, the tornado would get bigger. Finally, Ja' Mahia pushed it off towards the two armies, and from then he didn't care what happened, because he knew the Dark Dwellers knew how to stop it.


BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Bombs were falling everywhere and Krellis and Ja' Mahia stood staring at eachother. They both charged in and when their sabers hit together, both people flew back. "It's time to die..." Krellis said and got off the ground.


"No." Was the single word Ja' Mahia said. He slowly sheathed his crimson lightsaber and put it in his belt. Then, he pulled out another, more dangerous looking lightsaber with some inscriptons on the hilt. "Good bye, sith.." Ja' Mahia said and ignited his lightsaber. At the sight of it Krellis and everyone who was watching opened their eyes wide and jumped back. The blade was worse than the hilt, and much more frightening, for the blade was pitch black.


Ja' Mahia chased after the now force sprinting Krellis until he finally commanded for his sith army to retreat. The bombs stopped dropping. The soldiers stopped fighting. The Dark Dwellers split from the sith as the sith ran off. "Cowards..." murmered Ja' Mahia as he walked back to his base.

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"Natiss won't help much, it's not worth it. He's more of a help on their side, with his clumsiness and total disregard for duty," he said, standing up. "It's not like Ja'Mahia will live too long. The Sith are after him, and Jedi are after him.. and the Dark Dwellers are beginning to revolt.." He said, starting to walk off, switching his saber off and sheathed it within his sash.


He looked upward as a few ships flew overhead, the roof of the building had been torn and thrown aside like paper. " Miklos, take your Bushida and leave. Soon you will come back when the time is right, the Jedi will stand by me. We have to be strong now, not later. Ja'Mahia's army is at it's weakest.." He turned around and looked to Miklos. "Go, rest. You need it. We might as well take advantage of the calm.."

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Miklos, with his rather beaten face turned to face Natiss. He eyed him and asked, "What does your heart say your duty lies?"

He stood up and walked and limped towards Natiss and stood in front of him. He looked him in the eye and didn't move except to say to Reyshik, "The Bushida do as they will. They have already done what they are to do. Right now I must know what this padawan desires."

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"He desires power, to be able to defeat his former Master. He want's to join the light to make Ja'Mahia scared. It won't happen, he doesn't scare easily. Natiss, if you truly want to return to the light, so be it. But if you only want to return to have another chance to kill Ja'Mahia then turn back now."

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"Now is as good a time as any. Besides, the dissention will make them weak. They will not strike again soon," and Miklos sat on the ground. He was exhausted but he concentrated on his efforts at healing. There was nothing he could do about a small cut on his left brow so he let it be. He motioned for Natiss to sit.

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What seemed like hours was actually 45 minutes before Miklos opened his eyes to watch Reyshik. He said aloud, "I think there might be another holocron that deals with Dark Dwellers but not here on Utapu."

He looked alot better than the emaciated corpse he was a while ago. It looked like he was ignoring Natiss but he was teaching him how he was taught, watch and listen. He sent to Natiss Watch. Follow in my footsteps. He waited to see what Reyshik would say.

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Miklos ambled rather slowly, his muscles sore, and motioned for Natiss to follow. He headed to the starfighter that he cam in and got in. He sat in the cockpit and sighed slightly, an odd habit he acquired from his years of wandering. He told Trystan through the comm, "Keep a sharp eye."

With an agility in his hands he lifted off and waited for Reyshik and Natiss. He had his astromech transmit the coordinates to their droids. He asked Reyshik I know how to travel the journey but I don't know the destination.

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