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Write* not wright.. that's some guy's last name who invented the airplane. And look in the documentation folder in the BFII mod tools area. And one thing, people who use "u for you, y for why, and plz for please sound like they have problems in the head. If you want help, act civilized and check grammer.. "U" isn't a real word.. it's a letter, and plz isn't anything.. this isn't AIM.

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To place objects, open the editor and load your map. Click on the Object button. On the left hand side on the screen, click the Browse button to select the file of the object you want to place. Now close to the top of the left side of the screen, you will see the buttons: Select, Place, Multi-Select. Press 'Place' and then left click on the map to place your object.


For a much better walkthrough, read the ZeroEdit documentation. It tells you how to do things in ZeroEdit! It is in the documentation folder of the mod tools.

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Ok i know how to place objects on the map, so I placed a trade federation core ship or whatever they are called next to the CIS cruiser. But when I come to load the level in BF2, where it says load, it says [null], and where it show you tips on the loading screen, that also says [null]. And when it finishes loading, BF2 just quits to desktop. I seriously wanna make a space map, but this just takes the biscuit. Can anybody please help me?

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