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converting XSI. to glm. error


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Im guessing you want to rig the "face anims"?


Usually you only need 9 of the facial bones, so keep only the bones in this list:


"cranium" "ltlip2", "lblip2", "leye", "reye", "rtlip2", "rblip2", "ceyebrow" and "jaw". That's it.


(Note that face anims arent required to get the glm compiled.)

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Ok obviously you didnt read any of the tutorials on my website :p,


That error message is very common and easy to fix, you have to link a bunch of crap together (aka the hierarchy, for when you saber body parts)


Thankfully there's a script that will automate the process:



Be aware that object01 and box01 arent valid names, you have to respect the naming convention.


When naming non standard body parts (or accessories), the extra part will always contain the name of it's parent mesh. For example, if i've made a pair of sunglasses, it will inherit the parent's name like this: head_sunglasses. This naming convention cannot be changed, and you have to select that mesh and link it to the head (its parent in this case).

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how do i use the script? and where are those tutorials you speak of?



EDIT: i need to remind you that im making a model for jk3!!! NOT jk2

cause i saw in the script it was for jk2, i dont know if it makes any differnece?



anyway i wanna thank for your help so far :)

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-Make sure none of the tags are weighted to some of these bones.

-Try deleting some of them from the skeleton, see if the error message changes...if so then delete all found in the list.


(I simply left them out of the skin modifier and it compiled fine)

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ok i deleted al bones in the list from the skin modifier...

i still get an error that he cant find MC5


so i deleted the bone from the scene.

then i get that bolt_l_hand has no weigths.

so i deleted that thing.


and then i get the this error

the same i got a few days ago....



i used the kyle katarn model from your hompage, and i opend it in max 7! should that be a problem?

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You CANNOT delete tags!


Simply reweight the tag to another bone :p


The reason you see same errors is because carcass will keep showing one type of error at a time, once you fix something you will see other "stages" of errors until you fix everything.

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LOL, just take one step at a time, i agree, carcass is a real bitch...but the process is a big part of the problem.


If not already done, you should do the following:


-Rename the "lhand_tag_bone" to "lhang_tag_bone".


-The l_hand and r_hand tags have to be weighted to the l_hang and r_hang bones respectively.

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