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Hwo do you make ships spawn form anouther


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I have seen quite alot of mods now that make mon clalami sapce cruisers spawn x wings and b wings; so how do you do it? e.g what folder is it in and were can i find it?

I need it because i am trying to create an ace mod for this game, its going great at the moment but cannot find this thing!!!

Any help would be great tnx.

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Okay, here it is as best as I can describe it.

First, go to the HARDPOINTS.XML and find the listings of whatever ship you want. I'll use the mon cal since that's all I've done right now (it works the same way).

Once you have found it, put this in:


<HardPoint Name="HP_Calamari_Cruiser_Fighter_Bay">






<!-- This is an attachment bone for the HUD reticle centering, even though no model is attached -->




<Death_Explosion_Particles> Large_Explosion_Space </Death_Explosion_Particles>










This will make the hardpoint for the fighter bay. Now that you have done this, open up the SPACEUNITSCAPITAL.XML file and scroll down to the hardpoint listings for the mon cal ship. Put HP_Calamari_Cruiser_Fighter_Bay right before the engines. This way it will appear above the engines and will be targetable (or something, that's just what I did). Now, scroll down until you find the <SpaceBehavior> tag, and put in there SPAWN_SQUADRON following how the rest of them are put in. Now your hanger will appear and any fighters you want will come out.

The last thing you need to do is insert what fighters and reserves you want the ship to have Here is what I put in:


<Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>Z95_Headhunter_Rebel_Squadron, 3</Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0> <!-- 2 X-wing squadrons at a time -->

<Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>Z95_Headhunter_Rebel_Squadron, -1</Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0> <!-- -1 == no limit -->

<Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>Y-Wing_Squadron, 2</Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0> <!-- 2 X-wing squadrons at a time -->

<Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>Y-Wing_Squadron, -1</Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0> <!-- -1 == no limit -->



Anything above -1 will be a limited ship. I set it to unlimited for now, since it was the only ship to spawn fighters for the rebels in my mod.


IF there are any questions I'll be glad to answer.

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1. Using Three60's lines for example:

<Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>Z95_Headhunter_Rebel_Squadron, 3</Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0> <Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>Z95_Headhunter_Rebel_Squadron, -1</Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>

The <Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0> tag defines the kind of fighters and the number of units spawned each time. The <Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0> defines how many squadrons you have in your hangar. When a squadron is destroyed, a new one will come up until all reserve squadrons are destroyed. So, the number "3" in <Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0> defines how many squadrons will come out when NO squadrons are out (in other words, when your ship enters the battle it will launch 3 squadrons with a delay 5 secs -the delay can be changed ofcourse). Mind that "-1" value stands for infinite.


2. This XML editting will affect skirmish, GC and campaign. MP will be "affected" if both (all) players have the same modified files.

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