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To Efront

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Dear Efront *******s. After having a "Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site http://www2.efront.com/adserve.iframe/www.xwingalliance.net/RunOfSite@Top?. A connection with the server could not be established" error 5467 times, I am really starting to get fed up with it.


I never ever click on the advertisements, and when someday I erroneously would, I will never ever buy the thing that is advertised for. This does not mean that I am opposed to advertisements an sich. I understand their necessity. However, I find that the act of advertising should not conflict with making normal use of the facilities of a website.


As I have stated before, this is currently not the case. I hereby strongly protest against your apparent incompetence to advertise.


That is all for now.




Gold leader, XWA.net member.


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EFRONT must die, you have no idea how badly they treat me!!!



women and food - Chocolate sauce? :D


if the above sig offends you please email me at the below address, or alterativly you may just wish to throw abusive emails in my direction its up to you?


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Guest Jabba The Hunt

SH*T thats done it!!!



Official Forum Newbian


For every wierdness there is an equal and opposite wierdness


For Chrisomatic web site handling email -


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Guest Jabba The Hunt

dont worry



Official Forum Newbian


For every wierdness there is an equal and opposite wierdness


For Chrisomatic web site handling email -


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Guest Jabba The Hunt

wtf is ad-subtract?



Official Forum Newbian


For every wierdness there is an equal and opposite wierdness


For Chrisomatic web site handling email -


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Guest Fondas

It's a cosy little utility that prevents ads popping up while you're surfing the Net ! wink.gif



"No matter how pretty the bait,

a hook is still a hook !"


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