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Giving Cruisers a Helping Hand

Master Leffe

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I read in one thread or another that it's possible to give untargetable laser cannons to capital ships so that they can hold their own against bombers (I'm thinking just two or three ona Mon Cal or an ISD). I know how to make a hardpoint untargetable, but is it possible to add on these laser cannons without replacing anything else? (I've added ona Mon Cal hanger on the engines (With the help of Rhedd-5) but I'd rather not have three or four hardpoints all on the engine)

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Sure, just use the same attachment bone as a turbolaser i.e. and make the weapon untargetable and undestroyable. You don't need to copy any breakoff props, models and collision meshes as they are already defined by the primary weapon on that bone (turbolaser in this case). Just the attachment bone, the fire_bone(s) and the actual weapon information (rate of fire, projectile and the lot).

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I hadn't thought of that... Alright, but would I just, take, say a Nebulon B's laser cannon and copy it under the hardpoints for a Mon Cal or an ISD, make it untargetable and undestructable, then set the bone? Seems almost too easy to be true...


If you take the Nebulon B's Laser Cannon hardpoint, that part of the Nebulon B will be pasted onto the model of the Mon Cal. ): I found that out the hard way.

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No he's right... you can do that, exchange the attachment bone with one of the Mon Cal and delete the line containing the model that's usually put in there... that's what you mean by "that part of the Nebulon B...". It's usually called something like that: <Model_To_Attach>RV_MonCalCruiser_HP00_F-L.alo</Model_To_Attach>


Here's the code for a secondary anti fighter laser I put onto my ships. That's all the lines you need (probably even less since you can't target it you won't need the tooltip and health either, I just keep it in in case I change something).


<HardPoint Name="HP_Calamari_Cruiser_Anti_Fighter_FL">


   <Damage_Type> Damage_Fighter </Damage_Type>

   <Fire_Category_Restrictions> Capital, Frigate </Fire_Category_Restrictions>

   <Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Fighter, 30.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>
   <Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Bomber, 30.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>
   <Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Transport, 30.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>
   <Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Corvette, 15.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>
   <Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Frigate, 15.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>
   <Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Capital, 15.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>
   <Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Super, 15.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>

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