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Favourite Games

Guest garyah99

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Originally posted by Rogue15:

Galactic Battlegrounds (i expect it to be as good or better than force commander)


Excuse me, but if Battlegrounds is 'as good' as FC, then La are f**ked !


Come on - lets hold a little optimism here !



Nova Squadron, the Elite B-Wing flight group stationed aboard the Nebulon B Frigate 'Oracle', home of the tech library.


'No capitol too large, no corvette too armed. NOVA squadron, for ALL your extermination needs. Our special at the moment - SSDs (See our work with the Iron Fist !) !'

Commander Jon 'DFMD' Adamson - leader of Nova Squadron (B-Wing ID = 'The White Witch')

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FoCom was a 3D RTS with lousy graphics. THOSE ARE NEVER POPULAR EVER. Jane's Fleet Command is an example. How many of you have HEARD of it, let alone played it? Here's the kicker: it's a good game. But it was a 3D RTS, so no one except me and like five other people in the world own it. And ANYONE that complains about FoCom's camera being hard to use is a moron. I liked the CONCEPT of FoCom, but the game sucked. Stupid AI, whatever the hell those bunkers were, poor unit balance (I mean in ESB how many walkers were tripped by a snowspeeder? ONE. If you have AT-ATs in FoCom and you hear a snowspeeder coming, just get all your men out of that walker because it's going to die), and the ****ty buildings made it annoying.

BATTLEGOUNDS will suck as well. I already don't like the misproportioned units and i loathe resource collection. I hate having to tie up 50 stormtroopers or whatever they'll be in the interest of cutting trees or collecting berries or whatever the hell you need to make additional stormtroopers (who will be used to collect even more berries/crystals/magic pigs). I also dislike how they don't call stuff what it's actually called. An AT-ST is called a Heavy Dual Mech or something like that. I read WHY they did that and it's a good idea, but not for Star Wars.

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