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What do you guys think of Hitler?

Guest Grand_Admiral_Ice

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Guest Grand_Admiral_Ice

I think Hitler did a good thing, but I do not believe he did the right thing. He slowed down the process of overpopulation by killing all those people and starting WW2 which resulted in mnay causalties so there were less people doing it and overpopulating the world. In the long run he has helped us in a way. I would like to hear your opinions, but I do not wish to be flamed for my opinion.



May the Force screw you everything you do except sex or should you get screwed? Stop you're confusing me.

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Guest Rogue 9

*carts in FlameThrower*

If you don't want to get Flamed you probably shouldn't have posted this topic.


*Ready Fire*

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Guest Grand_Admiral_Ice

You said don't screw around in XWA so I'm being myself. It's a perfectly logical argument. *Pushes a button and a shield encompasses me.* Why can't you get over being told all your life to hate Hitler and look at it in a totally neutral manner?



May the Force screw you everything you do except sex or should you get screwed? Stop you're confusing me.

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A master of demagougery. Thought he'd won the war before it had started (That whole deal with the Holocaust. If you're going to commit genocide, at least WIN first so no one can stop you).

He squandered resources, was obsessed with superweapons, and simply wasn't very good at dictatoring. Knew how to whip a crowd into a frenzy. Made up funny sounding words and phrase (Bolshevik Jewery is my favorite). Gave Fascism a bad name. Had good fashion sense (the Gestapo had the most stylish uniforms ever).

America owes a great deal to Hitler and his Nazi thugs. If it weren't for us going and smacking him and his Hirohito/Tojo buddies around, we wouldn't have gotten the title of Superpower.


That's what i think of him.

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There's a reason that we've "been told our whole lives" that Hitler was evil.


He caused the most destructive war EVER and it didn't help "overpopulation." The casualities in WWII were like a few buckets out of swimming pool. THE PLAGUE did more to depopulate the earth.

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Guest Rogue 9

no ironic is the S.S. having God With Us written on their belts. rolleyes.gif fortunantely he was with the allies on this one.

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Yeah, I've gotta agree with Nute on that one (and you have no idea how much it pains me to say that! biggrin.gif)

The effect on world population was negligable. If anything the war had the opposite effect, albeit in a delayed fashion. Remember, the "Baby-Boom" took place immediately after WWII and as a direct response to it. What was the global population before the war, and then a generation after? How about now? Steady increase, right? it took centuries to rebuild after the plague.

I kinda wish Hitler was captured alive. I would love to think that he spent years waking up every morning to the knowledge that he was the most hated human being to have ever lived, at that were millions of souls in the world totally willing to tear him apart with thier bare hands if ever given a chance.

That woulda been great, wouldn't it?


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Guest Rogue 9

I think thats why he shot himself to rob everyone of the revenge they desired. the Russians would have killed him very painfully had they caught him, he probably new this a decided to kill himself rather than face his fate. he was beneath the dirt on my shoes as far as I am concerned

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Guest Grand_Admiral_Ice

I suppose you guys are right. He made the same exact mistake Napolean made. You think he would've studied up on his history. BTW just wondering, usually during a civil war in any country other countries aren't suppose to butt in right? Say the United States has another Civil War, will the rest of the world butt in? Knowing this information is critical to the success of Operation:Cute Bunnies. Sounds dumb and harmless, but Operation:Overlord was already taken for the invasion of Normandy so I couldn't use it.



May the Force screw you everything you do except sex or should you get screwed? Stop you're confusing me.

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Guest Rogue 9

NATO also wouldn't want the US to split because we're the reason their military is so huge, which ever side the Federal Government was one would be the side NATO went to. Also don't forget many of us have weapons of our own and wouldn't take kindlt to anyone trying to screw with our government be they foriegn or domestic

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Guest Grand_Admiral_Ice

Hmmm, I guess I have no choice but to redraft Opertion:Cute Bunnies. The United States must fall quickly before NATO can intervene, but how? Looks lik biological warfare is the only way to go. Nuclear weapons causes too much destruction and too many long lasting effects. It is your destiny to live under my rule, except for you R9, I'm will have you executed. How much money would I need in order to buy Russia?



May the Force screw you everything you do except sex or should you get screwed? Stop you're confusing me.

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Guest Rogue 9

Point One...Bio-Warefare is Slow and the US Government has many plans to deal with it. it is in reality a small threat as it could only take out a small portion of the populace before the infected people were removed from the general populace.


Point Two...To kill me you would have to find me, and then you would have to deal with someone not intested in listening to your pitiful bid for World domination, my Sacastic jokes have more planning than your posts.


and finally if you here "fire in the hole' I suggest you duck.

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Guest Rogue 9

Also Neutron Bombs have a very low area that is effected by the blast, instead it is built around using intense radation to kill of troops while leaving the infastructre used to defend the country in place so that the attackers can defend there new prize. this would be my weapon of choice for a hostile takeover of any country it has very focus damaged , destroys Morale, has no long term effect on its target area and its radation can be limited to a small area for precise strikes against large military forces with a minimum of fallout to damage the civlian populace.


this has been another battle strategy though up on the fly by Rogue 9, thank all. biggrin.gif

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neutron weaponry would be most effective against large armor formations (something we may be facing in the Sino-American War of 2007).

My personal favorite tactic is the use of fragmentation weapons fired from armor, while the armor carries tanks of nerve gas and dispenses the gas while in combat. The fragmentation rips chemical gear apart, allowing the nerve gas to.... biggrin.gif

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

Hitler was evil he didnt do anything for us, except make the british realise that the americans are only interested in themselves and not in allies (HALF-TIME!!!).



Official Forum Newbian


Your more of a newbian than me, now thats saying something!



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Guest Grand_Admiral_Ice

Settl down now R9, can you go through one day without trying to kill someone or use a weapon?



May the Force screw you everything you do except sex or should you get screwed? Stop you're confusing me.

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